img Safe In The Billionaire's Arms(Completed)  /  Chapter 7 No.7 | 41.18%
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Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 1268    |    Released on: 27/01/2022

owered my eyes to the floor though I was still curious as to why

at the moment, the wheels in my head turned but I didn't ask or bother to look up. I

ast he showed me my place so I don't think

e street. I didn't want to act like this nor ignore him but what can I

he cold gaze he had on me was like knives trying to pierce through me. The many t

then there it was again

ter had just been dumped on my head, I had an idea of what he was try

down at the frame in my hand and praying so

" he replied almost immediately, hi

reathed out a big sigh then opened

e a ruler watching a slave with

earlier but right now I felt like if I agree to any ridiculous thing he

more now that am here, am yearning fo

I voiced out my thoughts and his lips c

tatue. Getting rid of my silly thoughts I t

ht " he added and I twitched my h

for that

old ruthless expression was back making me realize who I wa

usness, I looked at this man then at my self in a wed

ounded calm I wasn't so calm on the inside. I remember

erve his clients and in that process I always listened in on their co

New clothes " he whispered the last part looking

ced his expression " I will do this for only

th grey ones. It is now that I noticed how beautiful his eye

w, we hadn't discussed the salary yet and I didn't mind because n

ook away from me " Deal " he whispered in a dull vo

s but in all this I still couldn't believe th

rlier, that's where I was going to spend my night under t

tongue all for him but I couldn't say it

turned his back to me and walked over to his car. I realized he had

as happy it didn't stop the nervou

ally know to his home, what if he was about to

l like every part of body inched. My face blanched and I took a step back from the

an and men hurt me so badly. I took another step back all of a sudden, tha

hur was playing like a movie in my mind and my head

shing into pieces while I screamed as I brought both my hand

s were like glued to this place as my nightmares hunted me, I f

me go " I whispered in between my breath but it didn't ch

t take it any mor

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