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Chapter 2 Quick getaway

Word Count: 2188    |    Released on: 09/02/2022


t no matter what my mother says my dad isn't backing down and I'm seriously

land walks in followed by his Luna Rachel and Gamma Terry, my

Hailey what's wrong?" Why the fuck

you will need to train a new future Beta as Ashle

e?" Alpha, Luna, and Gamma Terry all look as confused as me. My dad however look

having sex with an Omega... A male Omega." Her dramatic behavior causes my eyes to roll back of their o

Alpha looks pissed but

ha, it's

uggle to understand his behavior

d plan on waiting for my mate but sometimes things happen." I k

eptable!" Gamma

ess but mine and the person that I am with?" I'm slo

llowed!" Mo

about this that

wers me. His pissed-off exp

t's the

going on in my pack, it's no

me a warning growl but I

ellows but I pay no attention to her as my

and I quickly link him to catch him up on what's happened since my mother found Coby and me. Troy

you mean it'

don't seem surprised,

best friend. I know he's gay a

ow he's pissed at Troy and that's the o

know you won't mean it but it will save you

out loud while

een us and guesses there

uble with you, but I won't lie and I

Troy!" Alpha bellows and it takes everyth

d protect my pack, and that's what I'm doing!" Troy moves across the room and

ha and I expect nothing b

it but not in this

doesn't matter son, this is m

lpha?" Just calling him Alpha is l

have two choices, you can stop this behavior and we'll carry

roat out!" Alfie my w

nk we'd get very far Alfie." He grunts b

ay here, what happens if my m

pha quickly answers. He seems to have all these answers very quickly and

better than this, what were you thinking?" Mom spit

rotect my pack and to be who I am and not to let anyone else put me down for who I

r mates but still want a family you can marry one of t

decision is to leave I won't change who I am for an

day because I would rather be a Rogue than live amongst these bastards even



nd we both head out, Alpha Roland calls after Troy but he grabs

y starts shouting out the moment

hocked, I expected it of my

Troy has been my best friend all my life. He's 6 months


gonna leave but whe

ut I have 3 days

a miss yo

ouch." He smiles agreeing as we both block our links

st me, not just ignore me but 2 days is all it took

s dad's making him because that I could forgive but to know that there i

didn't have to, they could just ignore me, with no hard feelings they have still stood by my side and defended m

to be honest, I couldn't give a monkey's nuts, she's never been a mom to m

arrived home. He's gone against everyone to stick by my side and I know he has tried t

hey be so narrow-minded? I don't give a fuck who any one of them loves, I'd s

am and I'm proud of it and I won't change who I am not for anyone and so this afternoon I i

Ash yo

n eyes shining away. She's 10 years younger than me and small for an 8-year-old. It seems w

y dad needed a son to take over as Beta so you can imagine her relief whe

e got pregnant with Kelly when I was 10, and even if she s

n. Hell dad and I pretty much raised her ourselves without much input from m

before I tuck her into bed and read her a bed

she still loves me the same but she doesn't know that I will be l

e and make me want to stay and lord knows I want to stay for

hat she'll understand. I hope she won't hate me but then again if her hati

the fact that I won't see her for a long time, maybe even never again but it won't be yet, I need to keep strong right now,

y room and close and lock the door causing my senses to instantly be on high alert.

ward the window and I'm just fucking gutted. They cou

can!" Coby shouts and I'll forever be gratefu

bing down the side of the packhouse and heading for the forest. None of us kno

ck are we g



Chapter 1 Meet Future Beta Ashley Chapter 2 Quick getaway Chapter 3 2 weeks later... Chapter 4 Going down swinging Chapter 5 Meet Gamma Jack Chapter 6 He's my mate
Chapter 7 Mommy dearest
Chapter 8 Time to go home
Chapter 9 First kiss
Chapter 10 A new home
Chapter 11 Beta Matthew
Chapter 12 Is it true
Chapter 13 He's alive
Chapter 14 I want you
Chapter 15 I need you
Chapter 16 Hungry for him
Chapter 17 Meet Jane
Chapter 18 What is she
Chapter 19 My 13 year old self
Chapter 20 A day of memories
Chapter 21 Who's that
Chapter 22 Oh chicken
Chapter 23 Coby
Chapter 24 I'm sorry
Chapter 25 Little witch
Chapter 26 Bye for now
Chapter 27 They have a plan
Chapter 28 Help me forget
Chapter 29 It's about time
Chapter 30 We belong to each other
Chapter 31 The next day
Chapter 32 The truth hurts
Chapter 33 She'll be safe
Chapter 34 Gamma Ashley
Chapter 35 It's time to go
Chapter 36 That Gamma tone
Chapter 37 Let's go
Chapter 38 Buying Kelly
Chapter 39 Lies
Chapter 40 Money and more
Chapter 41 This isn't over
Chapter 42 Home
Chapter 43 3 weeks later
Chapter 44 Hailey's plan
Chapter 45 Party time
Chapter 46 Rogue Alpha
Chapter 47 Somethings wrong
Chapter 48 All hell breaks loose part 1
Chapter 49 All hell breaks loose part 2
Chapter 50 Is it over
Chapter 51 A new Alpha
Chapter 52 Where is she
Chapter 53 Dead wolf walking
Chapter 54 When one becomes two
Chapter 55 We will find her
Chapter 56 Saving Kelly part 1
Chapter 57 Saving Kelly part 2
Chapter 58 Saving Kelly part 3
Chapter 59 Another goodbye
Chapter 60 4 weeks later
Chapter 61 Painful memories
Chapter 62 Do i punish you
Chapter 63 Fun punishments
Chapter 64 Nightmares
Chapter 65 Loving my mate
Chapter 66 Nora
Chapter 67 Moments like this
Chapter 68 Possibilites
Chapter 69 Luna's an angel
Chapter 70 Eat and run
Chapter 71 Time to travel
Chapter 72 Underground tunnel
Chapter 73 Oh hell no!
Chapter 74 Meet Jake
Chapter 75 Come out, come out
Chapter 76 The end is near
Chapter 77 Let's end this
Chapter 78 Shock and suspicion
Chapter 79 Is it over now
Chapter 80 Rachel
Chapter 81 Who is she
Chapter 82 Mumble Jumble
Chapter 83 Is this the end of us
Chapter 84 2 days later
Chapter 85 We are back
Chapter 86 I can't lose her
Chapter 87 You want to do what
Chapter 88 Cheeky Rosemary
Chapter 89 Time to talk
Chapter 90 Truths revealed
Chapter 91 Is this fate
Chapter 92 Michael's view
Chapter 93 4 weeks later
Chapter 94 Epilogue part 1
Chapter 95 Epilogue part 2
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