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Chapter 5 Meet Gamma Jack

Word Count: 2177    |    Released on: 09/02/2022

a Ja

head as he links me and I wouldn't mind but it's 5.40 am

e, what's

u in my office now. Can you try and get Liam o

much sleep either which only sends my senses into overdri

on some shorts and a t-shirt before heading to

hroat is raw. "Liam wake up brother!" Finally, after a couple more knocks on his bedroom door, h


office now, he's been li

ucking clue where my phone has gone." He rubs his hand down his

tee shirt and we drag our dead ass bodies u

Calvin grunts as we both stumble into his office an

ep Cal, this better b

es into the office with Luna Lucy at his side, both

so happy?" Ca

's right both your mother and I were in bed by midnight." His cheeky grin makes m

but he doesn't hide the hint of a

30." Calv

am adds with

s to be the final straw for Michael and Lucy as they both

fucking happy I'm going to shoot myself... or the

Lucy asks although I suspect tha

ut no doubt loving the fact that he doe

l's sheepish reply has me biting back the chuckle

sings out with a cheesy grin and it's too much for me

that Luke is still tucked up in your bed right now." Cal sho

!" Lucy tries looking stern

hael asks with one eyebrow raised

ast night thank you very much!" He shows off his

you in here so early and it's pretty time sensitive so we should get started." Cal

e needed and as Cal hasn't found his mate yet his mom Lucy is still the Luna to this pack

days ago I received a phone call from the Alpha of the pack Alpha Roland. He wanted to inform me that two of his pack members had broken some extreme r

Liam asks sitting up

funds, threatening members of the pack,

se are bol

e pack funds?" Liam's Beta brain has fully kicked in which I'm gratef

ack and his son." Holy fuck! Everyone in the room has the same

ened Calv? Why are

few hours of here and that he has strong reason to believe that they have killed many of his warriors witho

d now?" I know the

and that they have killed more warriors. He said they are out of control and he's worried that they will cause trouble for us. He's

m?" Liam asks with a

but more importantly, they are a danger to the women, children, and elderly of our pack and it's our job to protect them s

in Cal." Liam

I'm in no que

grees and I can see that Calvin apricates it, this will be Calvin's first official Alpha bu

mes, especially as it's only just the beginning of his role. I know Liam still gets nervous and can doubt

bout my parents, of course, I'm not jealous that they have the

of the word and both of their parents have always been incredible supports for me, alongside Nora, they have mad

t warriors getting ready and we'll all meet in the kitchen. Alpha Roland is going to cal

e within 15 minutes of our parklands, so pretty much just outside our borders. After a quick chat with the warr

nt scents and soon members of the Red Ridge pack come in to view and it's clear to see that this pack has

hought alone suddenly gives me a strange feeling, it feels like something

ing doesn't se

'm not alone in this but my senses are in overdrive at what could be going on. Nonetheless, we all sti

er the snarls and growls become and wi

Taz bellows out in my head as I literall

s wron

lake and now!" His bellowing is fucking torture on my hangover but I also know that

ke with Calvin and Liam right on my tail, they have no idea why I am running but

stand out to me, he's screaming out in raw and pure pain and for some reason it m

nd I'm pretty sure that he's dead while another one is being held ti

the Alpha's focus is firmly on the wolf whose life is literally in his hands right

up to look at the wolf again and I can literally see the life being drained out of him but

ay from my mate's throat, I may not know what's going on here right now but I do know that none




Chapter 1 Meet Future Beta Ashley Chapter 2 Quick getaway Chapter 3 2 weeks later... Chapter 4 Going down swinging Chapter 5 Meet Gamma Jack Chapter 6 He's my mate
Chapter 7 Mommy dearest
Chapter 8 Time to go home
Chapter 9 First kiss
Chapter 10 A new home
Chapter 11 Beta Matthew
Chapter 12 Is it true
Chapter 13 He's alive
Chapter 14 I want you
Chapter 15 I need you
Chapter 16 Hungry for him
Chapter 17 Meet Jane
Chapter 18 What is she
Chapter 19 My 13 year old self
Chapter 20 A day of memories
Chapter 21 Who's that
Chapter 22 Oh chicken
Chapter 23 Coby
Chapter 24 I'm sorry
Chapter 25 Little witch
Chapter 26 Bye for now
Chapter 27 They have a plan
Chapter 28 Help me forget
Chapter 29 It's about time
Chapter 30 We belong to each other
Chapter 31 The next day
Chapter 32 The truth hurts
Chapter 33 She'll be safe
Chapter 34 Gamma Ashley
Chapter 35 It's time to go
Chapter 36 That Gamma tone
Chapter 37 Let's go
Chapter 38 Buying Kelly
Chapter 39 Lies
Chapter 40 Money and more
Chapter 41 This isn't over
Chapter 42 Home
Chapter 43 3 weeks later
Chapter 44 Hailey's plan
Chapter 45 Party time
Chapter 46 Rogue Alpha
Chapter 47 Somethings wrong
Chapter 48 All hell breaks loose part 1
Chapter 49 All hell breaks loose part 2
Chapter 50 Is it over
Chapter 51 A new Alpha
Chapter 52 Where is she
Chapter 53 Dead wolf walking
Chapter 54 When one becomes two
Chapter 55 We will find her
Chapter 56 Saving Kelly part 1
Chapter 57 Saving Kelly part 2
Chapter 58 Saving Kelly part 3
Chapter 59 Another goodbye
Chapter 60 4 weeks later
Chapter 61 Painful memories
Chapter 62 Do i punish you
Chapter 63 Fun punishments
Chapter 64 Nightmares
Chapter 65 Loving my mate
Chapter 66 Nora
Chapter 67 Moments like this
Chapter 68 Possibilites
Chapter 69 Luna's an angel
Chapter 70 Eat and run
Chapter 71 Time to travel
Chapter 72 Underground tunnel
Chapter 73 Oh hell no!
Chapter 74 Meet Jake
Chapter 75 Come out, come out
Chapter 76 The end is near
Chapter 77 Let's end this
Chapter 78 Shock and suspicion
Chapter 79 Is it over now
Chapter 80 Rachel
Chapter 81 Who is she
Chapter 82 Mumble Jumble
Chapter 83 Is this the end of us
Chapter 84 2 days later
Chapter 85 We are back
Chapter 86 I can't lose her
Chapter 87 You want to do what
Chapter 88 Cheeky Rosemary
Chapter 89 Time to talk
Chapter 90 Truths revealed
Chapter 91 Is this fate
Chapter 92 Michael's view
Chapter 93 4 weeks later
Chapter 94 Epilogue part 1
Chapter 95 Epilogue part 2
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