d flesh and burnt hair are overwhelming as you catch sight of movement through the haze of smoke. You duck low, advancing defensively until you can make out two figures ahe
growling-you're certain that the one on the left is one of the Ferals you saw fighting earlier and therefore your e
et out of the
ui fades to the vampire's side, just out of his peripheral vision before grabbing its arm and dragging it backward, tripping it over his extended leg. Without releasing his opponent's arm, Qui brings a meat
to you as he restrains the wounded Anarch. "Qu
et of chains. "Why the chains?" you ask. "Didn't you say you wanted to fi
his prisoner to the floor. "Down, boy!" he yells, pulling the chain earthward with an inhumanly strong whip-crack, snapping several more bones as the restraint constricts. Qui stares down at him.
o see you to