img Alanor, The Lycan King's Prisoner  /  Chapter 2 Saturdays In Udrad | 66.67%
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Chapter 2 Saturdays In Udrad

Word Count: 1025    |    Released on: 21/02/2022

and no one would ever be able to bring them to justice. They were the days when the

rsed days in the

s scared of

had to show u

ost as if they liked what was happeni

ith this particular couple. No one who knew Kacy and Gideon Wynter had

y they were brought here. Or maybe they were here because they had committed a cri

es. And of course, everyone hated thieves, until the thieves were their

Saturdsay, because somehow, the

that the king would ut them up there instead of the Wyters. They lived a lif

r as he forced them t

ecially those that had used violence in their already dishonorable acts. It w

ere about to meet a fa

people of Udrad were forc

e of the rebellion. No one wanted to agree to such a cruel fate, b

Udrad had to

ilies and the u

, they cho

ed, but had no choice but to live in. They loved their children an

whole kingdom paying the

and bruised he was. His condition was worse than that of his wife, but they were helpless. They ha

real voice, Alanor loo

up at him, with love in their eyes. They still loved him, after all, he was the f

n't be cruel to the young boy. Then again, what was the guarantee that they would treat hi

, and in situations like young Alanor's, even he knew th

ing Eddy, a man they hated and despised more than anything in Udrad. Alanor was sca

one erupted in cheers, stones in their hands like

long hair that fell to his back. the crown on his head tended to k

ality, he was the man they all wanted to beat up and exile. The people of Udrad wished th

he royal gatherings. It was almost like she never had a voice, which w

e was nothing like illusion here. All of this was done by them and there was no doubt

g. It was almost like she had come out of thin air, but the elders of Udrad knew what h

the lycans acting as the shield, there was an increase in the condemning voices.

orship and they we

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