Ida came in for a number of rather angry glances, for the mishap seemed to be due entirely to their thou
Streak, of course, could not move under its own power for more than a short distance, as the water had all leaked out of the radiator, and, t
ed. "I've got a good mind to-d
t I might like to take it out of you for your sister cutting
id nothing of the
't!" begged his siste
y to apo
wasn't your fault at all. It was-e
it looked to me,
ment, and then, with an open sneer o
had not noticed the little work girl before. At first he appeared to scowl, and then he smiled most pl
ter from his seat in the touring car
me," ordered Sid in
d Walter, with a
, Walter. Jack is so angry at him th
s you say," replie
e was evidently trying hard to
nothing of their own risk, seems past belief," Jack murmured to Walter. "I've a
and she whispered in Jack's ear: "Don't
gotten over the momentary fright, and there was now a pretty flush on her face. "I'll overlook it th
?" asked Sid rather disconsolately.
s of them," Cora hea
ll w
g to leave my car here. Will you give me a tow,
ed Jack. "And if y
own fault," concluded Jack,
ed a bit
you," said
u," respo
pe?" aske
f the Streak, producing a strong r
e in the habit of ge
d bad luck wi
nging the two cars, so that the bi
separate," whispered
and Sid wi
for Jack had gotten back into his own car, and was looking on. Id
d," remarked Walter as he pu
the puffing of an auto was heard and a machine came
d Ed. "Well, what's up no
n the point of saying something uncomplime
is how I-that is, we-won
r and walked to where Si
he questioned.
e-but it was partly my fault," add
how it hangs down, like a dog's broken leg. Isn't it a
ested Ed. "Maybe I can sp
ht of that,"-r
ool-box, and presently dr
or just such emergencies as these," he said with a laugh.
t, he lashed the protector into place. It was only a temporary repair, bu
The road ahead is pretty muddy. Too much moisture f
close conversation with Ida. Both girls and Sid were in a group an the other side of the Whirlwin
uld get so chummy," murmured Cora. "Sid
y turned away and walked over to where Ed was locking up his toolbox. Sh
ng into business,"
lied Ed. "I'm going to have some
I heard
t of asking Ed if he had with him the twenty thousand dollars in cash and negotiable securitie
gh, but at the same time Cora saw
fish with you that we caught last time?
eplied Ed, which was
mplied q
Sid, coming around from an ins
it's getting late I'll have to hurry. I'll b
he had quickly cranked up, a
," answe
s car puffed out of sight. "We'l
get in with Jack and
ge it-if we
hed, and ever
ink it will be a good idea, though. We'll g
th Walter in the big car. Ida and Sid stood on the ground
my car," said Sid. "
for it's no fun rid
ora quickly, but Ida hung back
oing to be the 'shuffler,' and I may as well have
not resist after this appeal-especially as it ca
enough, and sat on the thick cushi
be in front," remark
ok care that Jack
, with himself at the wheel, looking very glum. J
t of the disabled runabout, and the
y of Cora, as they rolled through the village stree
mission, didn't she?"
here," insisted Mary, not an
n this shop," suddenly called Sid, as they pass
et old Smith tinker with i
th it!" snapped Sid. "May as well
Center, a little farther on, there was a fine garage-Newton's-th
asked Cora. "We'll go there with yo
here," said Sid shor
osen th
as detaching the tow rope. Mary took this chance to alight from the Whirlwind, as they were not far from the post-office, and I
Sid called
r sarcastically. "Not the least tro
an angry glance
tter right to haul me out of t
out of the smithy. He helped Sid push the car in, and then stood talking with him in a friendly so
hat?" as
"Oh, that's Lem Gildy. Or just p
does h
I've heard it remarked that
be on such friendly ter
Sid pointing at the big car, while Lem Gildy w