to his sister's aid. "I never knew Cora
ar and put her on th
r head up,"
ed Diddick, turning around in
's hands, while Walter held
that tree," spoke Walter.
answered Parks, st
oducing a collapsible one from a poc
est on his hasty trip. Jack managed to get a little between Cora's lips, and it revived h
," she declared as she
e car and sit dow
er limply got into the
water, and present
said with a wan smile. "But when I sa
le. "Who would ever have thought o
d fraught with
the tool-box, Wa
ump and the lifting-j
"I guess that's what shocked you as much as anything, Co
should have been there-in my t
dded Jack. "What can
's c
lost?" asked Diddick. "We
cked the wallet from the road where it h
upernatural had put it into my tool-box
it," spoke Jack quickly. "Yet who in
ly, leaving the s
sed Cora, after a quick look at her brother.
" interrupted jack. "You pumped up a tire just before the race, so th
ound the wallet, taken out the money and bond
in a curious place," r
id," observed C
l say it-before some
ks mighty sus
t him. He seemed to challenge a
d to say that," spoke Walt
nce," fin
identally, some one got the money, all
t he'll think
ly that some one found or stole his wallet and
added Walter. "W
o, hes
hat?" as
, and only pretended
Cora. "But come, let's
e the first
l right?" asked
I never fainted bef
you burned your hand on t
was a good
a period o
I suppose I may as well finish," remarked Walt
e later. The gay members of the mandolin club had little to say, and when they did attempt a pleasantry t
ith a trace of bitterness in his tones, "i
f your car," said Diddick jestin
" and he subsided, while every one tried to talk at once to
her. Who could it have been who tried to injure her in this way by
alter was driving her car for her, every incident that she could remembe
Mary permission to go for a ride with such well-paying customers as the Kimballs and the Robinson twins. Next Cora tried to analyze Sid's actions, also those of Ida, and she e
had placed the empty pocketboo
r wanted to accompany them, but Cora insisted
nt to question y
n club were left at the Kimball
artled by the news. The
ave anything,"
u want to remar
course. What e
o put too fine a point upon
r w
" said Ja
-look here-Oh, what nonsense! I hope, Cora, that you haven't for on
she finished quickly. "Only J
world for the thief to throw the empty pocketbook into your tool-box as
not a
hief is around Chelton-that's evide
errupted Jack
hen your car was halted momentarily in the street, a
e to find the thi
smile. "But I'll give the police this
'll be at home," declared Cora with a
old me all that
k home, while Ed, went to communic
e, Cora happened to look in the window of the millinery shop where Mary Downs was em
lia could use two apprentices. I wonder if Mary has been
in the crowd talk indicating that the news of the finding of the empty wallet was
arked Angelina Bott, a sentimental sort of girl, to
ng so loudly that Cora could not help but hear, she ad
retort on his lips, stepped forward, but h
Jack," s
good as sayin
k, there will be more
He glared at Alice Haven, who looke
ail was sorted, and there was a rush on the part of the
ned aside. There were tears in her eyes
ing figure hurrying along. It was that of Sid Wilcox. And from an
aw Sid hand Ida something that showed white in the gle