img The Pastor's Son  /  Chapter 4 PREPARING FOR THE LESSONS | 25.00%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1141    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

r of ten, as his mother came into his room with an anxious look on her face and said, "I have just come

he best night's rest I have had for years. I never w

r, I will go down and ge

out "Science and Health," and said, "I believe that you contain the truth and will free me of this disease." He then

mother said, "I am sorry you did not take advantage of the beautiful sunshine yesterday, for the

to-day, mother, for I

oticed the

ry for Walter to complain of feeling worse on dreary days. Then she thought, "It must be t

but did not want to awaken the suspicion of his mother by too hurried a departure. So he walked about the room, trying to think of some excuse. Finally a hap

you will find it o

, then went up to his room, took out "Science an

as a repetition

rt our Bible lessons for a few evenings, as I have received a notific

mportance, James

cal idea called Christian Science, and they want to arrange so that each clergyman will give a sermon denouncing it,

not know that you had ever read

dy it, and what is more I never intend

preach a sermon on it if y

to heal in the same way that Jesus Christ did. This claim alone proves that it is false, for Jesus Christ was the Son of

sus bid His discip

ciples have been dead for a long time, and nobody else was given the power to

y one of Christ's disciples, but

. Paul heal

ccounts in the Bible of S

to heal the sick if he was not one of the dis

nfused, then finished with, "It is too long a story to tell to-night, as I must be

re that boy gets those queer ideas from. I am very much pleased that I suggested

ng in his precious "Science and Health;" and it was precious to him, for in it he saw the only hope he had ever had of getting well. He read far into the night, and every spare moment

g it with the scientific interpretation as found in "Science and Health,"

r start with Genesis to-night and will ask such questions as will be most apt to get father to see the Bible in its true light. How I wish I had found this

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