img The Pastor's Son  /  Chapter 6 CONFUSION | 37.50%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1095    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ned back in his chair, thinking deeply, and his thoughts were as follows: It's remarkable that I never noticed this second narrative is the reverse of the first; they are clearly and distinctly

sapprehension? It sounded reasonable and would be an easy solution to this second creation; but how about this material body of mine, and the rest of the material things? Are we laboring under a misapprehension regarding all these things? Impossible, we could not all make the same mistake; yet according to Walter's explanation this mist watered the whole face of the earth; that means all the people. Where did this mist or misapprehension come from? There is no record of God having made it. What a position for a minister of the gospel to be in, unable to explain the simplest t

same, nor is one the explanation of the other, for one is the direct opposite of the other. But I cannot decide which is the real, for the Bible speaks as though God was the author of both. Maybe Walter wil

what have you been doing all day? I haven't

aratory to our lesson, as I suppose we

hough I must confess I am not as we

were reading the Bible almo

rrative being an explanation of the first; in fact, I came to the conclu

really were two creations?" ask

d to me before, I have not been able to find a satisfactory explanation. Nevertheless, we will take this subject up in our lesson this evening, and see if we cannot explain i

r father can be confused at anything he could find in the Bible, for he was cr

had never been pointed out to him. I think though, that before the evening lesson is over we will all understand just why that

ch your father anything concerning the Bi

thing, and never attained what he was after, and some other person who knew nothing of mechanism discovered the solution

rdly presume to be able to say anything in regard to t

creation, most likely he had also been mis-taught in regard to the rest of the Bible, for he reasoned that if he started to explain the Bible from

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