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Chapter 1 First

Word Count: 1066    |    Released on: 09/03/2022

of Kaduna. He started from The Scratch And it Appears He is doing Well For himself. Mama Aisha Also Was

Always Talked about being Independent. Making Her Own Moves and playing life by her cards. Mama A

A Woman Had The Right to be who or what they want to be. If She C

Her Future, HER career as A Nurse and other things. She did not

will be The start of


er Aisha Ran

sery That surrounded her. The whole Community Felt The Heat. Aisha was Like A Daughter And friend to ever

duna. She Secretly Had A Plan With Ha

Where she normally based. Aisha Was Able To Convince Hajjia Zainab by Payi

rywhere was calm and Quiet. She promised to Take Aisha First to Dubai and

would never miss that op

2 Hours, She Landed her self In Mando Kaduna. In t

ould Have the Chance to Survive what she was passing through. Nob

rst before they embark on Their Journey. Aisha had No Worries, She trusted Her Au

That It will Only take Four Hours but It took Much Longer Than That. F

hey Were Not Able to Eat Anything Throughout Because The D

dged in. Evewhere was Hot And The Whole Room Had A Foul Odour. Hajjia Zainab Had Assured Aisha That Ever

unicate with Khadijat Her Best Friend and Tell her How Far a 16 years old have come.

e. She Hurriedly Got And Started Preparing. She Noticed The Other Girls Did the s

in No time. We Were Not Able to book A flight Because of

ou Said we Will Go to Dubai

Time Factor so We Can't Branch Dubai. Don't Worry My dear The Journey will Be comf

sh Her face. Her desperate Brain Just told H

e. She Saw Hajjia Zainab Talking to A Man Who is certainly not Nigerian. They Spoke a Different Tongue And Aisha Was amazed

the Journey, Among every other Persons who was Jam

r best to have a calm Conversation with Aisha But she Was a Very

Passing Through the De

easy Journey Aisha. Just Excersice Pat

d with Sand Just Behind us. It

a Dog Who ran Away from it's owner and Died in the Des



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