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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1028    |    Released on: 28/03/2022


off bed and sto

first before going an

Take this." Mom said, shoving Delanie's lugga

and we followed her from be


xplain what is goin

nd opened the front door but

butt but I wedged her f

uch be in a hurry to follow ord

you freak." Mom re

her? Oh, I forgot. He's dead so of course it's an opportunity for your true colours

up but drew his attention to

ave that much clothes

size of the luggage mom took out for hersel

gages." Uncle

me what to do.

Uncle Gavin said and

uncle Gavin and walked into the house, cau

Uncle Gavin orde

s. While she was still struggling to get it

against such huge men? I was about to think of a way t

om's bag and found gold in

urprise. Where did m

from your late husband's f

here I got my bad habi

told one of the men after he

e said to th

ed and put it in my

" The man

shed out of the house and o

e mom gathered hers. I

u." She s

you steal?"

d have gotten us enough to buy a house and o

er greedy genes t

mom had a good reason but you just do stupid t

fittest sis." Del

" Delanie asked, after

r bag and answ

bar." Mo

work in? No way. I hate tha

ve any other choice.

I do. I have a choice. See you two later or never." Delanie said, walk

going Delanie?"

he same usual place I go. Don't bother looking for me." Dela

disappointment in mom's eyes

s place immediately." Uncle Gavin said

ace. It took us some time but we finally reach

opening and we walked

de the bar. I and my mom went in and

Levinson." My

you here so early in the mor

nd I was wondering if you could hel

me from top to bottom eve

sir." I

u this fine morning?"

" I an

lem?" He asked my mom, tur

f the place which we lived. Now we

."Mr Levinson spoke u

ou a place to stay. I have a wife and kids

ould never intrude in your per

u want?" Mr Levi

in the bar."

do you expect me to let you live in a

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