img The Rose in the Ring  /  Chapter 8 AN INVITATION TO SUPPER | 36.36%
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Reading History


Word Count: 5563    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

s history, so far as it could be obtained from the rather disconnected utterances of the convivial Thomas. They had come upon each other in a bar-room, but Dick had succeeded in getting the showman a

t at least a dozen times with great unction, always appending a careful explana

r a million dollars this season. We've got nearly fifteen hundred dollars in that tent to-night, Dick. Twenty-one hundred on the day. A week of this beauti

ad," said Dick, removin

ith a torch." They ha

liver a resounding thump on Braddock's back, almost knocking the breath out of him. If one could have looked into the brain of the grinning pickpocket, he might have detected a vast

fresh cigar from his pocket to replace the one

nt on, without waiting for or expecting forgiveness

agon tongue at some distance from where the men were tearing down the menagerie tent. Dick Cronk p

illed him," said he a

t won't hurt to let him think that we

he came through that county. We were expectin' to see him landed in jail any day. They

to a half-whisper. "I've been wantin' you to turn up ever since he joined us. W


seen it. He's

t honestly," said D

" demanded the ot

med scarce, Brad, that

I see

e of his mouth to the other and back a

ick at all to get

t his averted face.

hat a haul

nt me to lift the

beforehand," said Braddock quickly. "It's my p

d Dick, still looking at his companion. Brad

let get away," he explai

pinch it yourself? W

y, I'm no thief! I'll break your neck

Braddock, let me tell you one thing. I'm not going to touch that kid's wad, and you ain't eithe

"See here, Dick, don't be

dead nigger's eyes," interru

r with the air of a martyr. "Anything to save my wife's little

l right to get this kid's money awa

uldn't know anything about

se!" sco

nd it out. She needs the money just as much

r, Brad," sai

e unsteadily.

"You know you lie when you say she

ion to smas

if I'm in practice. Oh, yes, and your revolver, too." He laughed noiselessly

d the articles in their places, he said

as nowhere to be seen. It was as

from the skies, it seemed to David, who found him filling a space that had been a

ow there's a warrant for your arrest right now

t almost sto

u know?" h

a Pinkerton guy I kn

utes ago. They were tal

The detective's got a p

d on to it that the ne


by Christine and Ruby, dressed for the street.

one?" cried Mrs.

ke you, David,"

r?" fell from Ruby

here, kid, and let me get into the tights you've got on. Tell Joey

into the dressing-tent a few minutes later, a nonchalant gr

from his lean face. Braddock, perspiring freely, came in behind the officers.

ed, as the hand fell on his shoulder. "No trouble now," added the local officer, nervously glan

you?" exclaimed Dick Cro

avid Jenison,

ughter from the assemb

ronk. "You're off your bas

id the detective. "I'v

, young fell

prise. "Let's have a look at it. I n

r before at college. While the marshal, in some trepidation, regained his grip on the pris

" said Grinaldi,

you really look like,"

When he lifted his face for inspection, the two

"A blind man could see that I don't look like that picture

ock. "Some smart aleck sent word to our branch that the real Jenison boy was a clown in this show. We got a note from some one who said he belonged to the show. They sent

eeks. Say, I bet I know who put up this job on you." He turned to his frie

?" demanded

works the shell game, and it got pretty hot for him after we left Cumberland. Well, say, this IS gre

Bolivar, the strong lady, was on his way to the hotel, accompanied by Mrs.

ed a rumbling tableau wagon at the edge of the town, considerably shaken

ding over him in a manner so threatening that the astonished hunchback s

ne a lot of sneakin' things, but this is the sneakin'est. If you ever peach on anybody again

?" sneered Erni

time," announced Dick with deadly

't hurt me?

," said Dick, turning away. "

always somewhat in the nature of a hawk's visitation among a brood of chickens: it was quite

t. Tom Sacks was peeping through the curtains at the haze-enveloped crowd in the main tent. David and the slim girl in red were standing at the big gray horse's head and she was fe

with Christine's father, and was paying his mos

sharp pity for the girl, who, as yet, could har

vid, why does he

ness in these towns," he

ome for weeks at a time. I can't bear the sight of his face. It is like an animal's to me. Have you seen that African gazelle out in the animal top? The one with the eyes so close together and the long white nose? Well, that's how Col

ll outgrow it. All children have funny dre

eamed a smile upon him that fairly dazzled, "I do love the way you pronounce my name. No one says it

he said frankly. Then he felt

liked Absalom better. Reginald is my favorite name,-or Ethelbert. Still, as you say, I w

on of Colonel Grand. The troubled look came back to them a

mile," she said i

r Tom Sacks and made her way to the ring, a jaunty figure that gave

was staring at him across the intervening space. Turning, he met the combined gaze of the three

d was to play an ugly and an important part in his life. Again there came over him, as

es that the Pinkerton man actually had given up the chase. As a matter of fact, the disgusted operative had been completely fooled, and was we

he open air. This time Braddock walked ahead with his unyielding wife. Apparently he was expostulating with her. She looked neither to right nor left, but walked

s over; the change of tune by the band announced the beginning of the next act-that of the strong man and his wife. How well David remembered these sudden transitions.

about to speak to him, but changed her mind and hurried on to her dressing-room.

tes ago," replied David, a

go, David?" she cried,

ow, I think," p

f relief struggli

iteously. "Oh, David, I'm so worried. I don't know why-I don't know what it

tibly. Very gently he sought to reassure her, his heart so full

ase don't worry, little girl. Colonel Grand can't-won't do anyt

ooking straight into his eyes and speaking almost in

say that, Chri

er nether lip. Then she smiled, her white teeth gleaming agains

ave to admit, after this disp

of the afternoon David's heart ached with a dull pain. He could hardly wait for the time to come when he could return to the dressing-tent

on the trunk that he h

ck was nowh

he drew up panting, "they d

. She came in alone from the main tent. A glance showed them both that she had been cryi

stiff, tense lips were moving painful

endure it any longer.

xt instant, his face writhing

Mrs. Braddock? Tell me! Can I

ildered. Then her face lightened.

d gently. "There is

e anything I can do-"

her head a

becoming aware that the animal was looking at him just as intently from the other side of the bars. It was as if the creature with the broad white muzzle and limpid eyes was studying him with all the intentness of a human being. An uncanny feel

ind addressed th

ve brute,

g a few feet away, gazing with no littl

. He was momentarily occupied in a

g. A Jenison could not look with complacency on a man who, first of all, had foug

the Colonel. He had the smooth, dry

ir." He was walking away when the oth

s your

David, after a se

the dressing-tent. You don't

n," observed

m. They strolled past several c

t that the Colonel was looking at him, notwithstanding the fact

. Joey Grinaldi

watching them from b

ustomed to civility in all people employed

at you expect?" asked

onel fa

ate pause, "let me add to my original

r my connection with this show," said

"Your real name is

e Colonel was startled. He had

nted for murder


exclaimed the other, not without

coldly. "You are in possession of all the

ere was not the slightest trace

our wages increased

se, nor could he suppress the glea


is show until the end of the se

d this remark

y so long as that-" he

attitude t

s chin-doubtless in the hope of seeing it quiver. "If you attempt

ow!" flared David. "An

el. In slow, even tones he remarked: "I am not c

avid shrank from this

d in this profession, I'll say that for you. There is a probability that you may not be so unique in the course of a week or two. I am already a part owner of this concern. You know that, of course. It is pretty generally known among the performers that I have a creditor'

ump in his throa

tabouts and common ring performers. There will be a select little coterie. I fancy you can guess who will comprise our little circle-our set, as you might call it. There are better times ahead for you, Jenison. Your days of riding in a tableau wagon are over. I shall expect you to join our excl

, dismay, perplexity and indignation flit across that face, and in the end something akin to stupefaction. Without waiting fo

as cold as ice, his arms hanging nerveless at his sides. The real, u

was to be made a part

ng about the un

ain. Impelled by an irresistible force, his legs carried him ten paces or more toward the object of his loathing before his better judgment revived sufficiently to put a check on the mad impulse. Instead of rushing on to certain disaster, he conquered the desire to strike for hi

y from the scene of temptation, making his way to the

he main tent. It was apparent that he

ness in his soul leaping to his lip

r so solemn. His pipe was out; it

d. "They 'ad to do it. They owed 'i

r-and Christine?" cried

'is game. Some day afore long he'll kick Braddock out of the business altogether. That's the next step. She can't do anything, either. All she's got in t

I've got," annou

's got pluck, Mary Braddock 'as. I know positive she 'as more 'n twenty thousand in this show. She put most of it in a couple of years ago when Brad swung over the deal

nds. Then he repeated all that had

e with that beast," he

of the tent. He appeared to be turning som

ou to sit down with a rascal like 'im, but I fancy

d if I do!" cr

here's others as needs you. There's got to be some one in the party to look out for Mrs. Braddock and Christine. Brad won't

aid David, his face flu

tand b

onk about you. He arsked me to tell you to be mighty careful of that wad o' money." Joey winked his left eye. "He's a terrible honest sort of chap, Dick is, so I told

Jenison Hall, Joey! I could give them a home-for all their lives. I would do it. And you cou

calculation. "That there Dick Cronk is a mighty cute chap. You never ca

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