img The Rose in the Ring  /  Chapter 3 DAVID ENTERS THE SAWDUST RING | 13.64%
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Word Count: 4127    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

recation he directed one of the attendants to go to the main entrance wit

taking a fresh grip on the stake, and rolling th

gesture. "See 'ere, Tom," he went on earnestly, "wot's the r

ebody before long, and the man that does it gets five hundred. It might as well be me. Business is business, and just now business is bad. You people all know what this infernal weather has done for us. We haven't had a paying day since we opened, and here it is the middle of May-nearly six weeks, that's what it is. There's a lousy three hundred dollars in the big top to-night and

uilty," said Gr

he former looking steadily at the face of her husband, whose bloodshot eyes would not meet her gaze. Christine's eyes were wide with the bewildered stare of an i

e Noakes girl's arm went around the slender figure, but she continued to stare curiously at the face of t

clown to help out dad,


e was not in the habit of

that?" h

rvously. Ruby's lips parted quickly, and th

iff's sales. The boy's face began to clear. An eager, excited gleam came into his eyes. He looked about him as if searching for some sign of corroboration in the faces of the performers. A certain evidence of dejection had crept into

ubbornly. "The county pays the five hundred. It's nothi

nxious, despairing heart. A sense of guilt and shame had checked them on each occasion. W

and addressed the proprietor, who

five hundred dollars

who had started for the ring stopped in their tracks to gaze in open

lievingly. Then he gave ven

ll, wil

rush to his head. His offer had

I could let you have it. I didn't mean to

depositing the stake on the ground, a c

the m

ere are you go

spread over his face. It was quickly dispelled by the recollection that

g his rain-soaked waistcoat. With nervous fingers he drew a heavy pin from the mouth of the inside

e got five hundred dollars in ther

ocess, that they were condemning him, that they were drawing away from him. He was bewildered. The

the profits of murder! Th

tter of fact, she remained as motionless as a statue. Christine was glowing upon him in grateful amazement, unutterable relief in her gaze. To her, it meant only that he was rich and could save himself. It did not

u are thinking. You think I stole it." His eyes were flashing and his chin was held high now.

ney?" asked Mrs. Braddock, more

," added her husband. "Here!

ruptly thrust the purse into the h

my mother's trunk until she died. She wouldn't put it in a bank. My uncle Frank never knew that she had it; he doesn't know that I have it now. But it is mine. My father gave it to me when I was six years old. See what it says on the envelope. It's his own wr

e of that fierce appeal. He stared at the boy, his lips ap

ly surprised in himself. "I beli

the envelope that she now clutched in her tense fingers; her eyes were only for the eage

l believe you," she cried, putting out her

aster, white with rage, d

he matter with

rs jumped out of th

d a violent explosion of appropriate profanity. "The audience is gettin' wild. T

he ringmaster's cheek, almost knocking him down. The tall hat went spinning away on

nd daughter,-you!" snarled Braddock, his own

e ringmaster in great haste. If the gaping, respec

with pity for the poor wretch who dared not to defend himself. Ruby Noakes felt th

ile I change," s

m. Christine's look of mute surprise and shame res

eyed, although, to his chagrin, there was no clown present to receive the attention. In those good old days the circus carried but one

en led out for the "lofty somersault men" to vault over after the run down the "spring board"; that part of the d

ghter," said Braddock, resenting the unspoken scorn in his

kage behind her back, sh

re's five hundred

han that," said

ow? It's never

she saw: "$3,000." She realized, with a flash of shame, that it would be fatal to the boy's interests if her husband should come to know

housand dollars

from his lips, all the while fixedly regarding the youth with nar

" said Mrs. Braddock firmly, her face very whit

ow. I can't afford to lie to 'em. There's only one way out of it. I can hire you under another name and you can travel with us till we get out of this part of the country. Five hundred is the

take this boy's money," cried h

fearful for his plans. "It's one or the o

not al

d pay it, Mrs. Braddock. I can't break my word. If Mr. Brad

velope, Mary," c

precious package. Then, with a deep sigh, and a look of unut

ke the

federate money. There was exposed to view a neat package of United States treasury notes of la

ddock closed her eyes in pain as he laid the notes in her husband's hand. Gr

w. Stick close to me. Don't let anybody see much of you till we're over in Ohio. I'll guarantee to get you off safe. Don't you worry. Just lay low. I'll find work for you to do. We're headed for Indiana an

ply. He looked

lown," began David

is. That's what I've got him for. We've got the best show in the world, too. Barnum ain't in the same class with us. Forepaugh and Van Amberg? They

n the ticket-wagon," he said encouragingly. "It's likely to be nipped by some of

ife, her voice sh

insist. He was

said. "Remember, I told you so. I don't giv

inviolate for so long. "I'll stay with the show and do anything I can, if you'll only help me to get away. I-I don't want to be taken

ho-knows?" murmur

d. That's why it is going to be so hard. But I will

f the track for awhile, then take your money and go to New


k. "That's bad. You mus

lieve a nigger

They'll have to," d

t about the five hundred. It won't help any of us if it gets out that you've been bribing me, boy. I'll just say that I r

eady that he bristled for a moment, but gave way before it. He felt the scorn and lau

"I'm going to begin by paying you the fifty I still owe on your salary, Joey. T

s painted eyebrows together. He turned on his heel and hurried into the dressing-room,

merged from the dressing-room alone. David was stuffing the purse insi

to take him?" she w

ange new emotion: he could not have ascribed it to joy, or to self-pity, or to gratitude. It was something new and ple

Braddock, lowering her ey

tired waitin'. He says he's comin' back yere to see you. What'll I say to 'im

im right away. The boy

ook at his wife, he tu

ulder he cal

tell you where to hide if yo

blers began to pour

r mother's arm in the

money from-him?" she

ppeal in her eyes. He smiled blandly and l

ead of that, he has hire

cried. "I knew he woul

ng to speak again or to meet her radi

like in their state of mind. They were softly but impressively consigning Thomas Braddock to the most remote corner in purgatory. Th

y the menagerie doors," said the contor

in. His horse already

. "One of the boys says

to search the tent w

ught, suddenly slapped his knee an

, boy, and do just wot I tells you. I'm-I'm going to take you into the

efore him and hustled him across the space that lay between them and

t go into a funk, my lad. It's life or death for you, mebby. I'll get a word to Briggs, the ringmaster. He'll help you out, too. Just follow me around the ring, three steps behin

paused at the entrance. Mrs. Bra

hispered. "Do as Joey te

red David, patheti

, as much to Joey Gri

me to take care of your

into his shirt front and produced t

claimed Jo

s trudging dizzily toward the sawdust ring, hi

a moment was near to losing his composure. Then he grasped the situation and exulted. He boldly escorted

went slyly, by whisper, from car to ear, down to the lowliest canvasman. It spread to the throng of crooks, pickpockets and fakirs that followed the show; it reached to the freaks in the sideshow. And not one among them all

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