elf. Today is the first day of kindergarten for Jocelynne big sad and happy day. Jenna tried not to d
e reason for all of Sue's questions. Jenna prayed that Nick had not
and maybe her friend could help her. But when she got to work Sue was not there. Sue was always on time. The nurse told Jenna that Sue had called out. So above all the worries she already
nown vehicle parked in front of her house. She immediately turned right instead and went to the kids schools and picked them up and went to Sue's. It was the only place she could think to go right away. Jenna told the kids to stay in the car while she went to the door. Jenna knocked and looked around now noticing that Sue's car was not there. She turned to leave when the door opened. She was not met by Sue but the most handsome man she had ever seen. He resembled
brightly and all of Jenna's