img Slave Mate to His Luna  /  Chapter 6 : | 10.00%
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Chapter 6 :

Word Count: 2617    |    Released on: 06/07/2022


mattress on the floor, and a small dresser where I place my clothes in. What I hate the most about my room is that this is small, I feel that this was a closet that they made into a room. I still cannot figure out how I could g

not like ordinary omegas, I don't bow to anyone. I'm what you call a feisty one, who doesn't care to live or die; that is how I have always been as long as I can remember. When I was ten, my mother left our old pack to move

est. When I turned thirteen, I heard all types of rumors about my mother and me. I found out why we left our old pack because my mother had an affair before I was conceived. Years later, her mate, who I w

I had two trays in my hand heading out to the dining hall. Before reaching the exit, my leg tripped on something, and I fell down, bringing all the food with me. when I lift my head up, I begin to hear chuckles I turn my head to see that it was omega Roxanne had her leg struck which indicted that she was the one who trip me. Her friends continued to laug

sonality makes her heartless and ugly

lly standing up for herself," Roxanne

f any of you ever bully me again, I will mak

haking in my pants," Roxa

be" I said with

reply " Look here, you bitch, don't ever think you could kick my ass. You will never win; next time you step t

that it had the room shaking. The girls face turned pale they ran out the kitchen. I turned my attention back on Roxanne; I started punching her. As I struck her that she fell to the ground, I began kicking her in the stomach, that blood spits out of her mouth, continued to tortu

ring my piece of work?

then replied "Take

teeth were out. Alpha Nehemiah kept me in the dungeon for a week; as soon as word got out, no one messed with me what I did to Roxanne; e

f my room, I closed the door behind me, I was walking

-top shape; I heard that the Alpha

Alpha king will be attending, I

tend the ball? That will never happen. As I continued heading into th

we have a new slave

le or female?" a

you think Alpha will bring in a m

ible Ray, you know what goes

anyone seen how

in the conference

Rumor had it that Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Beta Lady have these sexual twisted desires. They use women to their advantage, they will have the women engage into orgies, and other times when

makes me sick to my stomach, but I can't do anything about it. I continued mop


tened. I wonder what they did to her? Dorian informed me of Alpha's orders and that I was to show the new girl the ropes, which I found very annoying because it always seems that the Alpha finds ways to torment my life. Once Dorian completed his task,

have a na

oke hands. I finished mopping the floor and turned around to face Winter

a want me to show you around because I'm not in charge of assigning people to

I said, moving to the side, when Winter entered the room, she started to look around, I could not tell what she was thinking I

ing much, it's a little cr

en in this is better so you don

s room is, it can barely fit two people bu

as stupid it was a beat down. I had a feeling where it was at, I told Winter, I would be back she nodded, and I stepped out of the room headed down,

I reached the bottom in no time, when I got back to the room, I was shocked to see that the room was set up differently. My dresser

as I gone fo

es" Winter sighe

l of this organizing in ten min

d not mind, I just wanted to make

got this mattress here for you fr

nter settles in, and I begin telling her about my background,which she could no

hat happens in the

an?" she asked,

something happe

off my clothes in front of

n could get out of doing

etic, but I was not going to just take my clothes off

e are going to get along just fi

father at 14, jumping from pack to pack, and

an your father

ime do you h

o explain" I said

nce, the person I called my father rejected me, and I could not blame him because my mother betrayed him by cheating on him. The worst part was discovering that I was not his daug

a life of heartache but most of all the betrayal that was done in the hands of her father, I can tell from the looks on her face that it still hurts her. She

le to sell you? Could someone

mily, no one would ever want to que

father an Alpha that mea

this, please don't tell anyone I ra

your secret is

reciate it Emmil

ound getting to know each other more. A lot o

are you child?

my room M

lso, I need you to bring the new girl. Alp

l be right there," I

ls, let's go, we have work to do" We both

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