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The Cursed Gift

The Cursed Gift

Author: Deadly sins
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Chapter 1 New Beginning

Word Count: 1007    |    Released on: 18/07/2022


ind wethe clouds, Lois could be heard screaming

into the room "leave" she yelled at t

e did "now will your inner spiri

t to take over her, suddenly, the moon shined in its fullest and brig

boy," Raven said, hand

" Lois said crying, the words of

and life will be his weakness and he wouldn't last a minute on

way to prevent him from dying" she stated, upon he

is taken, but if the curse could be broken i

n was resisting telling her, but she had to "he can

it," Lois said " if we go ahead wi

or my son, what will I have to liv

sh, we've barely started, you dying

let my son die when there's a

t, it's either you help me or

how things are turning out to be, but I'll still help

him, I have no one else, it's only you that I have. Please

illed all her powers to her core and they formed a little p

shall possess and you shall be called Karanax" after giving her blessings, thr

with you, take care of my son, be his mother, his

on earth and in the ocean", with that being said Lois l

ad. Raven carried Kar from the floor and looked deeply int

ll take care of you and I'm goin

here safe, going into the water isn

* *

the throne room like a per

Azuya" sh

" Azuya-leader of

ened, Lois, your bro

ng, my dear Mira" s

en lifted off my chest" s

ild was stuck in the womb because of the repelling spe

o her child, that was how she was able to deliver her child. Now

years?" Az

h year, if the curse i

her throne, pacing the floor, she was feeling a lot of e

, what can he do?" Az

ower, he can control everythin

" Azuya said to herself a con

ol everything in the waters, but he can al

Azuya was

ly one that can destroy you"

inesisly and threw her across the r

e winced

I can find him

ld be" Mira replied, the pain from the sl

owerful energy," Azuy

Mira " You are a land which, why can't

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