mock me tirelessly although I don't have those accounts. Even now,after seven persisted... Pain never dies. Then there are the pictures of the dicks. Oh God! The endless dick pics. When you're a billionaire's daughter and you get drugged and ganged raped and recorded and the taped video is later broadcast on every legitimate media,web page and pirate torrent site on the planet,you tend to draw out the crazies......the ones who think sending you a picture of their naked,erect little sausage is like bringing candy and flowers on a date. Like that picture will make you sleep with them... Become their girlfriend. Become their property. It seems half the world thought I deserved it. That I got too drunk and passed out and got what was coming. Uhm...What was coming was the three men who drugged me. Set up a camera and posted it online. How many people get to watch a real life defloration? How many people get to later watch themselves being deflowered? That's right. Not only was I violated by three guys I considered friends,but they took my virginity too. They took so much from me that night,seven years ago. They dumped me in front of my house. And two days later....when I could finally tell my family what had happened,my father got to them....tortured hell out of them before handing them to the police. But few minutes before my dad found them...the video had already gone viral. According to them,Julius never