"My dear calm down this is what your father wrote and he double signed it, you can see it over here" he said showing me my father's signature. "Of course that's my fat
et and live your life hunny. There are a lot of opportunities out there for you. It's just really unfortunate that this had to happen to you, especially at this stage of your life, but you know what? it wasn't your fault. Please just try to move on hun" Aisha said to me as I nodded my head while I gave her a big hug. Aisha is really a nice person to be honest, she always tries her best to make sure that I'm always happy, though she has a lot of responsibilities like taking care of her siblings and all, she still finds out time to come see me, and that's why she's my best friend. I eventually ended up selling the mansion in order to have some money to myself. The mansion was sold for about eight million dollars yes that was a lot of money but it later got finished when I rented a small apartment, paid for the whole 5 years of my university and started several businesses with it that ended up falling. "What was I doing wrong?" I asked myself. I wish I had known I wouldn't have started all those businesses instead I would have used it in solving my fathers murder case. "But what if I spend the whole money on this case and Maria isn't still arrested?, What will I then use to start up my life again?" I asked my self as I sat down thinking. Aisha wasn't always there for me because she had her own life to live. Like I told you before she had a lot of responsibilities on her own. Soon I started university. It was nice until I met this guy, Cory, who went to the same university as me. I never liked him from the first day I met him, but I had to date him because he provided for all my needs, even though he sexually and verbally abused me. One day, while I was in my final