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Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1521    |    Released on: 14/09/2022

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ce of the hall, and a very angry-looking Killian moved hurriedly to us. My eyes d

. It was then I realized the cute stranger was still holding me by my waist. I quickly steadied my shoes on the floor, regaining my balance, and sent a thankful smile to t

but was abruptly cut off

ng straight at the man beside me, Kaiser. From Killi

his eyes off of me. And truthfully, neither could I. I still couldn't shake off the familiar feeling in my gut, like I knew him or was supposed to know him. But that was impossible. In my years of growing up a

u are the lady of this ceremony," He had a uniquely beautiful smile, one that held a type of

king it obvious he had lost the last straw of patience. Quickly, Briel

ble, charged with a knife-edge tension.

ther. I felt the hatred that burned between them, and the intensity made my eyes burn. I had no id

sastrous happened, a voice vib

ned closely, one could note the rich accent that dangled on their words. My eyes rounded in recogn

and Kaiser were having a hard time

you for goodness sake, or have you forgotten th

nted. "This is a party, and th

oke up. "He is a

my pack!" Killi

veled across the hall, finding me. The coldness and hate in his eyes flushed away instantly, his featur

n elder began, but

hing I imagined, and even more." His eyes were locked with mine. "I will take my leave now," he annou

nd stormed out of the hall. For a sickening second, the hall wa

Council members, but they were as brief as possible, especially with the males. Somehow, they were almost terrified to approach me. I cou

the elders kept asking a few questions, to which I kept responding with an "I do." While absentmindedly, I scanned the crowd in search of my father, but coul

and my eyes fell on her and everyone else watching

including the Elders and

Do you accept Alpha Killian as your mate, agreeing to the r

eside me, that time was now. I could reject him here and now. Thanks to the presence of the Elders, Killian will have no

ian now rather than live my life in constant agony of having my mate close

then, the loud opening of the doors interrupted my words of rejection. Everyone snappe

e was definitely

look on their faces, while some sent pitiful looks

, whose bright eyes held mine a

had an expressionless face. I couldn't tell exactly what she was thinking, but her presence seemed to affect Killian. His gaze never left her. That i

signed my death sentence, but I was too furious to care about the mistak

elcome, Luna Sheila of the Crescent North P

out of the hall. As soon as the Elders were done, Killian stor

if Killian thinks I'll be the only one getting frustrated and hurt by the bond we

ryone seemed to avoid me, I decided to leave. I left the party without being se

e presence drawing nearer. I spun around ins




Chapter 1 One Chapter 2 Two Chapter 3 Three Chapter 4 Four Chapter 5 Five Chapter 6 Six Chapter 7 Seven
Chapter 8 Eight
Chapter 9 Nine
Chapter 10 Ten
Chapter 11 Eleven
Chapter 12 Twelve
Chapter 13 Thirteen
Chapter 14 Fourteen
Chapter 15 Fifteen
Chapter 16 Sixteen
Chapter 17 Seventeen
Chapter 18 Eighteen
Chapter 19 Nineteen
Chapter 20 Twenty
Chapter 21 Twenty One
Chapter 22 Twenty Two
Chapter 23 Twenty Three
Chapter 24 Twenty Four
Chapter 25 Twenty Five
Chapter 26 Twenty Six
Chapter 27 Twenty Seven
Chapter 28 Twenty Eight
Chapter 29 Twenty Nine
Chapter 30 Thirty
Chapter 31 Thirty One
Chapter 32 Thirty Two
Chapter 33 Thirty Three
Chapter 34 Thirty Four
Chapter 35 Thirty Five
Chapter 36 Thirty Six
Chapter 37 Thirty Seven
Chapter 38 Thirty Eight
Chapter 39 Thirty Nine
Chapter 40 Forty
Chapter 41 Forty One
Chapter 42 Forty Two
Chapter 43 Forty Three
Chapter 44 Forty Four
Chapter 45 Forty-Five
Chapter 46 Forty-Six
Chapter 47 Forty-Seven
Chapter 48 Forty-Eight
Chapter 49 Forty-Nine
Chapter 50 Fifty
Chapter 51 Fifty-One
Chapter 52 Fifty-Two
Chapter 53 Fifty-Three
Chapter 54 Fifty-Four
Chapter 55 Fifty-Five
Chapter 56 Fifty-Six
Chapter 57 Fifty-Seven
Chapter 58 Fifty-Eight
Chapter 59 Fifty-Nine
Chapter 60 Sixty
Chapter 61 Sixty-One
Chapter 62 Sixty-Two
Chapter 63 Sixty-Three
Chapter 64 Sixty-Four
Chapter 65 Sixty-Five
Chapter 66 Sixty-Six
Chapter 67 Sixty-Seven
Chapter 68 Sixty-Eight
Chapter 69 Sixty-Nine
Chapter 70 Seventy
Chapter 71 Seventy-One
Chapter 72 Seventy-Two
Chapter 73 Seventy-Three
Chapter 74 Seventy-Four
Chapter 75 Seventy-Five
Chapter 76 Seventy-Six
Chapter 77 Seventy-Seven
Chapter 78 Seventy-Eight
Chapter 79 Seventy-Nine
Chapter 80 Eighty
Chapter 81 Eighty-One
Chapter 82 Eighty-Two
Chapter 83 Eighty-Three
Chapter 84 Eighty-Four
Chapter 85 Eighty-Five
Chapter 86 Eighty-Six
Chapter 87 Eighty-Seven
Chapter 88 Eighty-Eight
Chapter 89 Eighty-Nine
Chapter 90 Ninety
Chapter 91 Ninety-One
Chapter 92 Ninety-Two
Chapter 93 Ninety-Three
Chapter 94 Ninety-Four
Chapter 95 Ninety-Five
Chapter 96 Ninety-Six
Chapter 97 Ninety-Seven
Chapter 98 Ninety-Eight
Chapter 99 Ninety-Nine
Chapter 100 One Hundred
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