img PUREBLOOD  /  Chapter 4 IV | 4.65%
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Chapter 4 IV

Word Count: 1769    |    Released on: 20/09/2022

alk towards their boss who seemed to

mething better than that so I'll have

." Alfred, the

ng lunch later...W

etect any trac

mething when the detective stealt

t th


tive, can you please repeat eve

rime scenes? Go back to and stick to your job, son." He said and tried to brush him a

xpensive watch. The

your business and get the hell out of here?" The man tried to

add up..."He lowered hi

re you

and the time's not right. Isn't this the time in Russia right now?...I wonder if that tall, heavyset drug trafficker from Russia who was released not lon

and turned to look at him,

flustered. I was only speculating...and since we're all on the same si

swer questions. "Did you

uld you

need to answer

ned...I just picked it up

please..."A smile tugged at his lips

admiration, especially how he mana

was formed, his arrest rate has been over 80%. He had distinguished himself with his groundbreaking arrest tactics and had been awarded a national medal of the highest

hunter because was so

couple of vampires got into a fight."Josh,h


t we seem to have gotten

ed him a file. He flipped it open and examined

in the area and dash cams ha


ale, at the scene around the time of the incid

is?" He asked as he

ts were caught on camera in front of their houses at that particular time

of the building. "If there'd really been a fight, t

a one-sided beating and the guy taking t

isn't an ave

ridge hall? It colla

cause it collapsed too fast and there w

came to investigate." Another said and Zuriña turned to

urse of a few days. That's proof that they're among us. The school has done nothing about this

's ri

take action, giving all the lectures

more careful

hem and they whipped round and Zuriña was


station?" It was that guy who had saved he

eet again


myself yet. I'm Kaiwan


for a while?" He asked and she turned to Ro

o catch up with." He replie

she started hearing whispers fr

as hot as hel

ent from the

He must be at least six

t his

ay, she had not been suspected as she had fled the scene and

o offer m

ed a beat. Had


e it was a frightening incident. Why don't we grab lunch

gh in relief and decided to

I've always wondered. What happ

's weakness is their heart but because they can regenerate their bodies, so it's not easy to kill them by shootin

ch i

ow them in a blast furnace of over 3600 degree fahrenhei

ondered. She'd only se

g? It was my idea." He asked

rudge against vamp

nt to be able to stay out late having drinks with my friends, walk my dog looking at the stars

efore he took an order. "What would you like to have?"He asked and

potato salad

with just that? Feel free to

he replied and he turned to the waitress who'd h

ess smiled and went

I almost forgot there are other kinds of foods in the wor


d Riña tried to hide her disgust for the meal. There

ig in."

ied with her hands shaking under

oing so shortly after as her eyes were gree

elf. I'm just so

wondering how clumsy a person

g blood in my line of work." He replied as he took out a white handkerchief

cut though." He sighed and glanced at her and she flinched as she lowered he

l her secret. He knew a vampire couldn't eat normal food

and she didn't raise her head. "Why aren't you eating? Does it taste bad? Or..." He leaned in, u

who can't eat thi

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