img Cater To You ~Life with a Billionaire  /  Chapter 4 Is it all work and no play | 80.00%
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Chapter 4 Is it all work and no play

Word Count: 1032    |    Released on: 01/10/2022

in the same buildin


is what's best. I won't be disturbing you anymore

thinking surely Mr. Legacy will change this mi

't deny that it was exciting to have this new privilege of traveling to the west. It had been so long since he had been to America. S

ween SB-Group and Legacy entertainment. Then, of course, after he does some careful evaluation of Legacy's pol

ll felt intense for him to be in charge of his father's billion-dollar company, responsible for its continued success in such a sig

his T's! He had no real plan or schedule of what would happen next. All kinds of thoughts ran swiftly through his mind. Then he looks at his electronic

him. It made him think she must be talking about him to someone. He also wanted to know why she was so uptight. Maybe usually, the young lady doesn't have to deal with men very often and felt the need to try t


My gaze moved up, studying the clean-cut lines of his profile. His sharp features would be perfect and symmetrical if it weren't for his reserved expression. The man's hand

to be a man in his sixties, and it has turned out to be barely over thirty. Nevertheless, sitting

e! Immediately I feel heat flare in

ng on my mouth, before shifting back to the sheaf of papers on his lap. Finall

continues to increase. It isn't enjoyable. I'm so annoyed and embarrassed at myself. Here I am, a 27-year-old woman, grown as can be! And it's like s

taring at his body. But he shut out the image of the girl sitting across from him and everyth

gotten myself into now? I can't believe I agreed to do this. He's genuinely not what I expected to have to deal with. I

wn needs as an ordinary woman for so long. My physical needs had at one time been intense and passionate.

ething like this. I will get this man to sign those papers and put him back on his plane to Asia, and he will be a thing of the pas

it! You wa

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