hits us foul-We change our mode of travelling upon the prin
found that my stock amounted to twenty-two pounds eighteen shillings, and Timothy's to the five guineas presented by Mr Cophagus, and three halfpence which were in the corner of his waistcoat pocket-sum total, twenty-eight
o, Japhet, or we shall soon be tired, and very soon
we cannot afford such a luxury; you can't be tired y
oming. I always do take one when I carry out medicines, to make up f
up behind one which was already well filled inside. "The only difference between an inside and outside passenger in a hackney coach,
ound out, in all probability we shall not onl
achman's whi
us wretch, with his shirt hanging out of his trousers, having called out, Cut behind! Not wishing to have our faces, or our behinds cu
ith corduroys. And now, Japhet, I'll tell you something; we must get int
will cost
f we stop at a public-house to sleep, we shall have to pay for our beds, as well as be obliged
you say, Timothy; we wil
most of them do. We are now coming into long dirty Brentford, and I don't know how you feel, Japhet, but I find that w
d dear me, how very good that piece
u-let's go in an
e a public-house, called for a pot of beer, and putting our provisions down before us, made a hearty, and, what made us more enjoy it, an independent meal. Having finished our pork and our porter, and refreshed ourselves, we again started and walked till it was quite dark, when we felt so tired that we agreed to sit down on our
poor as ye." We replied that we could give a shilling. "Well, then,
lready?" said I, as I climbed up,
l which; but he wear an uncommon queer hat, and he talk all sort of doctor stuff-and there be hi
e straw without coming into contact with the other travellers. Not feeling any inclination to sleep, Timothy and I entered into conversation, sotto voce, and had continued
ght falls-beasts hasten to their lairs-man bolts his door. 'Propria qu? maribus,' as Herodotus hath it; which, when tran
t of the Latin grammar, and that all his learning was pretence; still there was a novelty of style which amused me, an
, and trust yet to find them-still we have a weary journey before us, 'Haustus hora somni sum
d to meet with one who hath scholarship," replied t
etend not
rds-'Asholder-offmotton-accapon-pasti-venison,'-which I will translate for thee-'We often find what we seek, when we
that I had been brought up as a surgeon and apothe
averse, 'Ut Cato, Virgilius, fluviorum, ut Tibris, Orontes.' All these have I visited, and many more. Even now do I journey to obtain more of my invaluable medicine, gathered on the highest Andes, when the moon is in her perigee. There I shall remain for months among the clouds, looking down upon the great plain of Mexico, which shall appear no larger than the head of a pin, where the voice of man is heard
ou-for, as Josephus says most truly, 'Capiat pillul? du? post prandium.' Travel is,
dy-three miles behind a hackney-coach-ten on foot, and about two, I should think, in this wagon. But as
companion. "He, als
one with the Rudima
ollower?" inq
alks first," replied Timothy, "but
ero et persona.' Tell me, can you roll pills, can you use the p
of course I kne
us to each other, I may then judge from your countenances whether it is likely that we may be better acquainted. Night is t