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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 3126    |    Released on: 08/02/2023

on the open grass for hours, already feeling tired and with pain in my legs - sedentariness says hello, Helena - not seeing a sign of exhaustion in the German shepherd, who was looking for t

ards its forbidden destination, until I tripped over my feet, falling like an avocado falling off a tree. As if by some magic step, Benedict immediately stopped running and looked back, and believe me, if a dog laughed, he would be laughing. I

the way I fell. I guess you get the idea." I turned over, surrendering, since my clothes were dirty anyway, and stared up at the clear sky. Benedict lay down next to me and I be

raised his head with his ears arched. I rose quickly, runnin

mile, already walking away when I suddenly felt a jolt in my body and once again the thud of the ground. Bento jumped on me, making me fall on my butt, starting to sniff me and interspersing th

ing me up all at once, and in the act, my back slammed against his chest, causing us to stagger backwards a little. As if sensing my embarrassment, Benedict stopped his exaltati

even him, and laid his eyes on me. "Did he hurt

ted today." I replied and he

walked off with a bouncy Benedict. I jerked up, running my hands over my cheeks quickly, already watching the t

studying some cake recipes, whic

I celebrated as I saw he

d satisfied. "What happened to you? You're all di

und twice," I laughed, going towards the bat

best friend and classmate. We met on the first day of college and haven't been apart since. She was an amazing person. Although she was of the same financial status as John and most of the people I knew, Sophie never turned up her nose or treated

her cell phone so I could see the picture of the two of them hugging. I came to the conclusion that he

hows up and tries to piss me off somehow," I spoke and watched my friend'

at scumbag d

him an ignorant answer and he started with his little talk about how h

at did

it didn't affect me and that I didn't was

I love it!" she exclaimed, clapping her

him is gone, all I feel is contempt," I finished, feeling the familiar hurt resonate thr

m proud of you!" she said smiling

veryone was silent. - Finally - st


caught the attention of one of the lawyer

he knew I was not competent to do so. I was also aware that all - if not most - people denigrated me behind my back because I berated them. Well, if you realize that something is wrong, or extremely far from your best, you take action, don't you? The most interesting of all is that these same people who criticize me in my absence, pull my leg when I am present. Incoherent? I know. I looked at m

and I'm going to have lunch here

ng that I would h

princess. G

uit pocket, grabbed my wallet and m

s to have someone of such good character and from such an influential background by my side. The truth was that I didn't give a damn about her family's reputation - coincidentally also lawyers - since I was with Cassie because I liked her, and that was it. I knew that our courtship was pertinent to my parents, as

came from that place. I ran my eyes down the street distractedly, until I spotted a familiar figure. It was Helena, daughter of Mary, the woman who worked as a cook at the house. She was chatting leis

me want to laugh along with her. She was normal, ordinary. There was definitely something instigating about her, her ensemble certainly made her interesting. I frowned at this later realization, realizing that they had studied


holy shit,

material. I had spent the previous night working late on my TCC project and ended up going to sleep in the wee hours of the morning, causing me to be late fo

inium - which was not far from her house - and we would go to co

at least a little - the horrible situation on my head and tried to ignore my face that was as bad as my hair, throwing my bag over my shoulders and grabbing my books anyway. I cursed at the pouring rain, shivering as I felt a strong gust of the icy

d like a ru

hile my books unbal

etting me wetter than

appearance of someone who had

y to imagine something similar. It

race. I hoped that whoever was driving didn't decide to drive through a puddle of water, making me even wetter and making what was alrea


f-corrected, not knowing what he wanted. To laugh at my situation? Fine, go

see him in the thick rain. "Get in!" I saw him unlock the car door

ng my voice so that John could hear me over the noise of the ra

the same confused face, already thinki

lied smiling without showing my teeth a

nd put the most convincing smile I had on my face, ready to tell him that I could turn

nd in that instant I decided that I didn't like the explicit debauchery on his face. Another thunderclap echoed, and I found myself in a quandary. Ei

e test and I was l

the umbrella, running and get

at I would get the seat upholstery wet and ruin something very expensive. The car was warm and I finally felt my fingers again, I almost smiled with relief, if it wasn't for..

carpet," I murm

oving his eyes from the street. "Y

corner of my eye. He was wearing a white dress shirt, his suit was black - perfectly aligned with his body - his wine tie contrasted with the dark colors, and, on top of that, a black jacket finished his look splendidly. I stopped examini

mediately felt uncomfortable, after all, I was witnessing a personal dialogue. "Again? I know... I get it. Do wh

were very important and worthy of my attention, mentally

cell phone as he waited for me to get out. I unbuckled

smiled amiably. He looked away fr

re we

vision seconds later. I ran towards my office, but not before noticing a group of people staring at me and whispering

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