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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1366    |    Released on: 12/02/2023


ike my laptop, some snacks to eat, and some good movies. Yes, my Saturday night would be that way, and I had no problem with it. I had received my paycheck, and I was overjoyed to be able to contribute to the expenses, and to be putting more than half of my salary into an account that I had opened in orde

y Allen song playing as I entered the mansion and headed home, however, I felt

I felt like a complete fool for admiring him so dazzled like that. I swallowed hard and shook my head to shake off those eccentric feelings. Pathetic, Helena. Pathetic. Inside the pool the rest of the guys were chatting, sipping their drinks serve

hear, continuing my steps to my house, but it was obvious that he wouldn't give up "Are you deaf? Or do you only know how to inte

o irritate me,

ession certainly showed the repulsion that came from that ridiculous remark. I noticed that John was not laughing; his face was serious, almost

me?" I questioned as

o fists, trying futile

ion was on the two of us, and every time I saw the amusement in the eyes of John

my mother are paid to serve you. The only person who has the right to give orders here is Joh

shouldn't do, cutie?" he tried to touch my face and wa

n a harsh tone of voice. He got up irritat

sed "think you are? You

uch you," Bryan moved closer to my ear and whisper

o sound and a burning sensation to take over where it came in contact with his skin. He staggered backwards with his hand resting on the area where the slap had

always deep, was altered. I looked at him somewhat surprised by his reaction

my fingers on his cheek. I almost smiled at that. Cassie looked at the situation dumbfounded, as did the

made herself present, not looking happy at all. I immediately froz

the..." I began, gestu

! My anger only grew as Mrs. C

ered that I couldn't hurt my mother and her

t" John interjected "let

end of yours! I alternated my gaze betwe

ou I can handle it,"

d her son and ordered, giving me a superi

elt John's hands gently touch my wrist, curbing my steps. I stopped walkin

in this" I explained, trying to sound calm "your friends and your girlfriend are watching, I think

dissatisfaction. Cassie, though evidently annoyed, just watched with crossed arms, not moving from her se

e it upon myself to talk to her" indicated Mrs. Kyara with her head. Once again

ther will be the one

stay calm.

uch to do and hoping that the consequences of a

and noted that this was the second time I had thanked him in less th

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