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Reading History

Chapter 2 II

Word Count: 415    |    Released on: 10/03/2023

t in an enormous amount of work for Murphy." He paused before s

uture of the interpreting service was especially important at this time. "Why didn't you say so r

allenges of this mission came back to haunt her.

eturned from a skiing vacation. By the way, we'll be dealing wi

ry Murphy?"

y Minerals. Don't you think you've he

drive so fast?" Ella asked, clutching the

ing. Henry Murphy is a very

collided with the back of a delivery truck that suddenly came out in front of them. John Macbeth

t and reached over to check on John. "Are you o

lowly. "I'm okay, but what about you

quickly, feeling a sharp p

to the damaged car. The front looked crumpled, and steam was beginning to rise from under the hood. He knew

ver, a man with a big, irritated face, sped into

e from here?"

a bloc

t I go by

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