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Chapter 3 III

Word Count: 419    |    Released on: 10/03/2023

u won't be able to leave the scene for a w

d the fifteenth floor of Murphy House are on your left after the next blo

talian!" John advised her, before Ella step

y Murphy, and Mr. Cassano, an Italian man. She was a bit disheve

smile. She was dressed in a striking olive-green suit that accentuated her fi

cross one side of the space. The plush royal blue carpet underfoot was a luxurious touch, and the walls were ado

f papers and books neatly arranged on its surface. The chair behind it was large an

t and relax in comfort. The richness of the leather was evident in the way it gleamed under the soft lighting of the room, adding a touch of sophisticat

idual, possibly even leathery. However, he was a finely sculpted man in his middle th

tiny of Ella by Henry Murphy, he rubbed his jaw in

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