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A summer to remember

A summer to remember

Author: Xaniiceborg
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Chapter 1 The Start Of Summer

Word Count: 692    |    Released on: 23/03/2023

. I scraped my straight red hair into a ponytale and looked in the mirror. All I coul

rt and leggings and ran downstairs. I didn't have time for bre

eated each other. I realized that I'm going to be late for

I walked in everybody looked at me. 'You're a bit late now

said as I walked to

k I went near

We have been friends for

king about what we

e going tonight?

celebrate making in through the school yea

started l

o me! ' I said

t at 8?' As

one a

d everyone had t

I really h

s hoping it w

finished I h

an apartmen

after they died, I got it as


the place up and

oon fl

lready 7

k a s

ed shirt and

o meet e

celebrate?' I shoute

h!!' they a

bar and order

we made a toast.

ed. We all sta

ing so mu

next 3 months and saying how we ar

Nick. He was a year younger. But he s

ng university

xcept f

e air so I w

e table and look

black sweatpants and a red tank top. He looked cute but also a bit weir

e so eventually a sm

he saw me smile at him, but

ear my friends and w

ing to me, I was in that happy phase right before you

de. That boy was still there and when he noticed me he

I walke

walking me h


ll see you tom

ght!' h

hugged him, he

r. I put on my pink shorts and


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