img Origin: Vampires and Werewolves  /  Chapter 8 Father and Daughter | 11.43%
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Chapter 8 Father and Daughter

Word Count: 3415    |    Released on: 30/03/2023

uza. He kissed Sigrid while she was still sleeping and when he l

uber about her plans because she knew he wouldn't like it. But she would be accompanied by Rolfo who had his full confidence

ghter at the sight of him. He knew he looked ridiculous in Flauber's pajamas, for Flauber was much bigger. He even thought about

ally, since he could see that she was having

r you in the dining room so we can have breakfast to

of the house he was buying nearby and had no patience for going from store to store. Grumpily he went downstairs and found the table already set with breakfast and Sigrid all happ

sly and he stared at her. Those blue eyes were trul

wouldn't let me sleep. When it wasn't that, it was the

you take me t

o make that visit? I can send a card

I don't want to give him a chance to prepare for this mome

head in thought. She was absolutely right. Then why did something inside him say

ou wish." He said

himself. But, lucky for her he was no coward. Of course he knew that Flauber was

orning while helping in the kitchen, if there was another driver available among the employee

g over there to pick one out, because it's an hour and a half drive more or less to your father

out Flauber's father and the similarity of character between them. And chatting they arrived at Sigrid's father's mansion. A large gate now separated Sigrid from her

u? The lady ask

pulled out a card from there and handed it to the lady who held it out wit

also gotten out of the car and was right behind Rolfo. He turned to the lady and she looked astonished to

an appointment first. But I'll take your card to him and see what he works out.

turned t

m. I'm sure of it. She could barely disguise it

ld refuse to receive us b

t to see you and on the other hand, I introduced myself as a lawyer, he will think we are in search of his inheritance.

him as if she did

a good reason for not coming to us." S

ere. You are strangers to each other. You can't ask too much of either of you. I hope he has good reasons for

he lady returned a

e said with a kind of elation in her voice t

grid noticed with satisfaction that there was nothing feminine about the mansion's decor. The walls were a neutral color and there were only a few neutral paintings. The lady stopped and waited for them to catch up to open the door to a room. They hurried in. The lady went in as well. The man they came to see was distracted looking out the window when they entered, which gave Sigrid time to look at the impeccable luxury

thing to drink? A coffe

olfo dismissed as well. After that, the lady

e card that Rolfo had handed to the lady. "I see y

know that we were good people and agree to

how handsome he was. That was why her mother ha

esence here?" he asked curious and a

... That's how I was born..." Sigrid finished shaking and blushing violentl

ise and stared at her as if r

ain your presence here."

ld like to meet your daughte

ed at he

ance?" He asked ignoring what

er a father. But I think Rolfo was absolutely right to warn me. Keep your money. My husband is m

is is very repetitive and I am not being able to reconcile things. I meant no offense. I'll have them bring you some passion fruit juice." He sa

ch more than offer her a glass of juice for her to forgive him. She felt that the world wa

show you something." He said and getting up went to the desk an

o me! Who is she?" Sigrid

mother." He said putting the

d and had been raised by her uncles and she d

t. It wasn't easy. There were times when I thought about giving u

?" Sigrid wanted to know, exc

n she had me, she knew of my foster mother's generosity and left me on her doorstep. For several days she watched from afar to see what they were going to do. But she abandoned her post as soon as one of the maids told her that they had adopted a beautiful boy. She was afraid they would turn back if they knew he was the son of a prostitute, so she left and never came back. She was invited by a group that she believed to

tears in her eyes. "I wanted to meet

p in my life, that whenever they come I show displea

e my mother?" Sigr

my happiness, that they would h

r came to u

th a little dog and your mother laughing at your antics with a baby in her arms. You looked so happy that I didn't think I had the right to interrupt that moment, nor to enter the life that Cleusa had built for herself. She seemed stabilized. I couldn't enter the scene with nothing to offer you. I went back there several times to watch you from afar. The one you knew as the father didn't seem to me to be a decent person. I followed him several ti

ion that had been bothering her for a long time. H

e I always look for in women, and since I worked

the situation became untenable and then she gave in. But now there are no more reasons for her to stay with him. They have not slept in the same room for many years. They live for appearances, although everyone in that small town knows that they don't live well, because he spe

n he had always loved and, perhaps unconsciously, always hoped for. He looked up and thanked God. He didn't know if he deserved so much happiness. But she c

d, yet his answer took so long that Sig


spent a few days there.... That way you two can

She knows how I like things and will prepare ev

You can take who

ur st

so we can leave as soon as possible

think unti

ow I'll be wa

l be a surpr

t have to wait long, soon Visbur was back with the housekeeper, both carrying their suitcases, ready for the trip. On the way back to the house Visbur wanted to know all about his daughter's pregnancy and about his son-in-law as well. It was frightening, but he revealed that he had met Harald and that they were friends. And besides that, they found in each other, a great similarity with their difficulties in letting go of their sentimental past. And they talked about it many times. And he also said that su

to leave his wife alone for too long, for fear that she would deepen her friendship with those strange people more and more. He was sure that living with Sigrid, who was a good girl, she would let herself be influenced by her. They were almost the same age and



Chapter 1 The Pregnancy Chapter 2 The Agreement Chapter 3 The Secret Chapter 4 Permission Chapter 5 The Bride and Groom Chapter 6 The Wedding Chapter 7 The Disease Chapter 8 Father and Daughter Chapter 9 Infidelity Chapter 10 Confroted Chapter 11 Betrayal
Chapter 12 Bitter Happiness
Chapter 13 Last Wish
Chapter 14 The First Ritual
Chapter 15 Betrayal and Revolt
Chapter 16 Astrid's baby
Chapter 17 Death
Chapter 18 Worship
Chapter 19 Burial
Chapter 20 The Hunger
Chapter 21 The End of Mourning
Chapter 22 Declaration of War
Chapter 23 The origin
Chapter 24 Ally
Chapter 25 Astrid Accepts
Chapter 26 Just a Tear
Chapter 27 A Life for Another Life
Chapter 28 Attack of Rage
Chapter 29 Astrid's Wedding
Chapter 30 Astrid's Transformation
Chapter 31 Sigrid's Decision
Chapter 32 The Rebirth of Sigrid
Chapter 33 The Angel's Visit
Chapter 34 The Treasure
Chapter 35 The First Task
Chapter 36 The Three Tasks
Chapter 37 The Reunion of the Sisters
Chapter 38 The Animal that Walks on the Earth
Chapter 39 Protection
Chapter 40 Unwanted Visit
Chapter 41 Army
Chapter 42 Astrid's trial Part I
Chapter 43 Astrid's trial Part II
Chapter 44 Surprise Attack
Chapter 45 The city of Frigg
Chapter 46 Confessions
Chapter 47 Snitch
Chapter 48 Bloodbath
Chapter 49 Teenage Life
Chapter 50 Moments that don't come back
Chapter 51 The First Mistakes
Chapter 52 The Return of a Forgotten Threat
Chapter 53 Lilith's proposal
Chapter 54 Decisions
Chapter 55 Hidden Desire Encounters
Chapter 56 The Three Gifts
Chapter 57 Streets of Blood
Chapter 58 Dissatisfaction of two kinds
Chapter 59 The Blood of Vengeance
Chapter 60 Punishment without Forgiveness
Chapter 61 Surprises that Change Destinies
Chapter 62 The Last Farewell
Chapter 63 The Angel's Gift
Chapter 64 Fire
Chapter 65 Angel and demon
Chapter 66 Sigrid's Shelter
Chapter 67 Reborn from Hell
Chapter 68 Almost Everyone
Chapter 69 Lies
Chapter 70 The Last Sunset
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