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Chapter 9 Infidelity

Word Count: 3443    |    Released on: 30/03/2023

in an en-suite guest room and left after handing him a towel and soap. Flauber then went under the shower. He didn't hear when the door was opened, as his back was turned and all he could thi

nd noticed the eye-catching curves of her body. Astrid had become a beautiful woman. Why hadn't he noticed this before? Flauber turned off the shower and wrapped himself from the waist down with the towel. He wasn't embarrassed, but was even amused that his movement to grab the towel had had an effect on Astr

ed dressing, still a little knocked out by the sight she had of hi

we won't know the results for a few days." He said not be

and knew when she saw desire in a man's eyes. He had never looked at her like that. She

concerns the three of you." He said, staring at her inviting lips. How had he not noticed t

that the priority was to respect her sister's marriage, even though she didn't care about that. She didn't see marriage as somet

onally, that last sentence had double meaning and Fla

s looking at her body, but she couldn't show that it was messing with her. If she approached him at that moment, he would back

descended into the dining room. As soon as she saw them, Mrs. Cleuza was v

and he took their places at the table. "How

s having a health problem and I intend for you to

cy paranoia? Her mother was always giving me a hard ti

h him to break his nose, but he knew it would cause

ask that you never refer to her in that disrespectful man

ince you didn't even tell me you were coming, and it's very discourteous to visit someone without first

house. I'm not trespassing. I have every right to be here. I

nt. As long as Astrid remains single and

agreement that I cannot visit what is mine. But don't bother. I won't stay long. I don't like to be in your presence either. I have come to settle another matter. My wife de

ght it was the way he arranged to get them out of there, but she could sens

an't put you on alert of which we are not yet sure. It wouldn't be fair." Fla

lained. "After all, I'm the on

e filled the need she had for love for years, to have love from a father, but it was your choice to deny her that. Now she does not desire

en no other man would, the daughter lived under my roof, ate and drank from my food, and

are a terrible steward. As for me, well, you offered Sigrid to me and if I remember correctly you even said when I was poor that you didn't want to

at him with hat

without having to look at that indifferent face. I won't be missed at all. Now Astrid

culous agreement of yours. I will not abandon my sister at a time like this. It will be good for

ed. She's not getting married. She's just going to keep your sister company." Flauber said conciliatory. He didn

ook a de

When do you pl

get just a few hours o

p, Cleuza and Astrid will h

ome cookies with coffee and then excusing himself, retreated to his room where as soon as he lay down he fell asleep. What he didn't know was that Astrid had gotten to know an he

She came to him and lay down beside him. Flauber had no doubt that he was dreaming. He took off his clothes and enjoyed that body rejoicing in her moans of pleasure. He possessed her, as if that body belonged to him. As if it had always been his, and only now had been given to him. After the act was done, he

away. And that was not fair. She would find a way to change this. The first step had already been taken. Now she would live in the mansion with him, and demand to be treated like a queen and have all the luxury she deserved. She didn't care if she was just a mistress. But her price would be high. She knew that because of the herb she had given him to drink, she would not be able to get pregnant, because there were components in the herb that drastically and temporarily decreased the chance of him getting someone pregnant, but if one day this happened, she would demand to inherit most of his fortune, to leave him

hat he was feeling satiated. He prepared to get up and realized that he was naked. Fear took over his entire interior. He looked to the side that in his supposed dream Astrid would be lying on, but it was empty. He threw the blanket aside and saw blood on the white sheet. Desperate, he put both hands on his head. Could she still be sleeping? He got up and quickly got his clothes and dressed. A knock at the door made

hould leave some money with me, because I'm broke

't know that they hadn't slept together in years? He wouldn't see a dime of him, excep

the one to support you. You won't see any money from me bey

r to go. I am her husband

n a few days. She won't refuse my offer. You don't have enough money to beat me in a lawsuit. And you don't have th

iciously at the two men staring at each other as if they we

What time do you

Mrs. Cleuza can wait for me with Astrid in the living room and I'll

amming the door with unnecessary f

sk you for mon


ncert." Mrs. Cleuza

eeling of satiety and ecstasy itself. It was strange to identify what he felt now. It was a mixture of shame, joy, sadness and love. She didn't look him in the eye when he arrived in the room and they went outside and got into one of Flauber's cars, since he had come in a rental, which made him think about renting a garage in town so he wouldn't have that problem anymore. The trip continued in silence. Nobody mentioned the fact that Erick didn't show up to say goodbye. It was as if it were commonplace behavior. He arrived at the

dn't even feel like she was inside an airplane anymore. She looked to the sides and saw Flauber in front of her. She smiled as she remembered his burning face when he saw her in the liv

room and headed for what they believed to be the kitchen. They had traveled during the night and it was probably time for lunch now. They were hungry and eager to hug Sigrid. When they found the dining room Sigrid was not alone. Astrid and Mrs. Cleuza froze in place. Both recognized the man who was accompanying Sigrid. Flauber also arrived and his smile froze on his face when he saw Sigrid's father. It wasn't hard to deduce that, after knowing Mrs. Cleuza's story. Astrid was teary-eyed and r



Chapter 1 The Pregnancy Chapter 2 The Agreement Chapter 3 The Secret Chapter 4 Permission Chapter 5 The Bride and Groom Chapter 6 The Wedding Chapter 7 The Disease Chapter 8 Father and Daughter Chapter 9 Infidelity Chapter 10 Confroted Chapter 11 Betrayal
Chapter 12 Bitter Happiness
Chapter 13 Last Wish
Chapter 14 The First Ritual
Chapter 15 Betrayal and Revolt
Chapter 16 Astrid's baby
Chapter 17 Death
Chapter 18 Worship
Chapter 19 Burial
Chapter 20 The Hunger
Chapter 21 The End of Mourning
Chapter 22 Declaration of War
Chapter 23 The origin
Chapter 24 Ally
Chapter 25 Astrid Accepts
Chapter 26 Just a Tear
Chapter 27 A Life for Another Life
Chapter 28 Attack of Rage
Chapter 29 Astrid's Wedding
Chapter 30 Astrid's Transformation
Chapter 31 Sigrid's Decision
Chapter 32 The Rebirth of Sigrid
Chapter 33 The Angel's Visit
Chapter 34 The Treasure
Chapter 35 The First Task
Chapter 36 The Three Tasks
Chapter 37 The Reunion of the Sisters
Chapter 38 The Animal that Walks on the Earth
Chapter 39 Protection
Chapter 40 Unwanted Visit
Chapter 41 Army
Chapter 42 Astrid's trial Part I
Chapter 43 Astrid's trial Part II
Chapter 44 Surprise Attack
Chapter 45 The city of Frigg
Chapter 46 Confessions
Chapter 47 Snitch
Chapter 48 Bloodbath
Chapter 49 Teenage Life
Chapter 50 Moments that don't come back
Chapter 51 The First Mistakes
Chapter 52 The Return of a Forgotten Threat
Chapter 53 Lilith's proposal
Chapter 54 Decisions
Chapter 55 Hidden Desire Encounters
Chapter 56 The Three Gifts
Chapter 57 Streets of Blood
Chapter 58 Dissatisfaction of two kinds
Chapter 59 The Blood of Vengeance
Chapter 60 Punishment without Forgiveness
Chapter 61 Surprises that Change Destinies
Chapter 62 The Last Farewell
Chapter 63 The Angel's Gift
Chapter 64 Fire
Chapter 65 Angel and demon
Chapter 66 Sigrid's Shelter
Chapter 67 Reborn from Hell
Chapter 68 Almost Everyone
Chapter 69 Lies
Chapter 70 The Last Sunset
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