they said they only saw when the car drove by and couldn't do anything" - daughter of a bitch, fucking bitch, I'm going to kill that girl. "No shit, you fucking bitch, the damsel is going to take my heir." "You have no idea where she might have gone, partner?" "Isabella is stupid, call your girl there". - I gave him my cell phone. "clara must know where she is, po, they talk about everything. If she knows, I'll tell her". - I was about to leave, but he is in Lusa. I have to go with him. She'll just keep quiet for Ruhan. " Come on, I'll go with you. That girl of yours can't be trusted" - I tapped him lightly on the chest. Clara. The fucked up thing is that I didn't know how to lie, but even worse was having a two year old child that could put my life at risk. Yes, Bernardo was about to tell the truth. He was just waiting for someone to ask him. And I was nervous to the point that I was feeling sick. " Come on, we don't have to waste time waiting for you, my side." "I don't fucking know about her, do you think that if I knew I'd be here?" "And you, uncle's little boy, where's mommy?" - disgusting, he asked about the boy's mother because he knows they are together, how hateful. "He's a brat, tell me where his mother said she was going, and Uncle will give you 2 reals" - he bent down to the smallest boy's height. "I went to Aunt Thayane's house". - I faced him, but children are stupid, right? because of two reals, this is used to buy what nowadays, these males are fucked up. "I hope you don't tell them anything, because if you do, Clara. You're fucked in my hand, the 22 can be whatever it is. But if I have to kill to get my wife back, that's no problem" - I felt coldness in his speech, and looked at Ruhan who lowered his head leaving with him. "I want my daddy". - crossed his arms in a frown and