laying with the greasy dealer friend of the minor's fdm. I was like that already, I patted him and told him to go home and guess what? He said I did not have to send anything that his father had left. This child is not even three years old. "You don't have to think anything, Bernard. Where is your idiot father, huh?" - I took off his shirt which was black with dirt, the minor does not have full responsibility for Bernardo. " it's at Uncle Oleia's house " - I took him in my lap and went after the father of this child, I even took his dirty shirt to rub in the face of the bum. I arrived in front of the ear's house with a loud fucking sound and all these males in front of the door, he really freaks out. He left the child in the street to have a party? He thinks I'm a sucker. "Hey there, little missy, have you lost something here?" - he looked me up and down and I sighed not to tell this fucker to take it up the ass. "Look here macho, the father of my son is in there and if you don't let me in now I'll set this shit on fire and then tell him it was you and your partners. You don't think he will believe you right?" - I said in the greatest debauchery and Bernard laughed. "go ahead, you're the boss". - he went out the door and I came in, mad at the sight of several males. I looked for him and at that moment my heart squeezed. He was sniffing again. Again. Her. The cocaine. He came back to destroy our family. "Go talk to the ear, mom, go to your father". - I put him on the floor and walked over to him, seeing him looking scared. " Sorry..." "I say that I don't care, but it's all lies, to imagine you in other arms, my mind freaks. When I'm angry I threaten to leave I end up going back, like a curup