join the ends of a short piece of brace wire five or six inches long. This makes a small circle for the top of the crown. Begin by tying the sticks across this circle under it, dividing it
metimes found easier to attach the base wir
e w
eight for a round crown would be seven inches from tip to base wire, but to be safe, it is always better to measure the head. Sometimes, on account of an abundance of hair or a high coiffure, a greater height is needed. If the base wire is elongated to fit the head, th
tied with tie wire on the front and back spokes and on each side spoke until the circles between it and the crown tip are
es or
he base wire should be of the same size. Keep all wire laps at the back. The other two circles will conform to
the base o
rply where the base wire is to be fastened and fi
e frame made
nning this hat it will be found easier to have a pattern for the brim, but it will not be necessary to make a
rn fo
ric shape, following the same directions. It may droop only a ver
patterns and then choose the most becoming one. After the pattern is perfected, crease it sharply the same as in the sailor brim. Take all the measurements from this pattern and
better to have a generous allowance. Begin at the crown tip and work down until ready for the headsize wire. The last wire is or should be of the same size as the regular headsize wire. Place the lap of the headsize wi
the distance they are to be apart should be marked on the edge wire. These measurements are taken from the pattern. Fi
ed. Here are some of the reasons why the pattern is important: first, it may be tried on and this helps to decide if the style is becoming, before working it out in wire; second, the position of the w
closely on one side and much higher than on the other, extra wires will be needed to fill the space. The place for these may be determined on the
Because of this I urge much pattern making. Even though one may not have the fundamental principles of art, something really
r wire
t available, a piece of velveteen soaked in alcohol and rubbed on the frame will give of its color sufficiently to tint the wire. Crêpe paper may also be used, or water-color paints. Rouge may be used effectively if moistened. There are also g
hat b
rgette crêpe, or chiffon are all used to good effect in making this style of hat. Good-looking halo brims ha
d and then a hoop of sprung wire cut just the length of the circumference of the brim. This wire is uncovered; the ends j
e material and pin in place. Begin by pinning the back, front, and then each side, being careful not to pull the wire out of shape. Take the work up and pin the material closely all around the edge. Cut off, allowing one-quarter
wire for
, if of equal width, will be somewhat narrower than the side because of the elongated headsize wire; however, the headsize wire may be placed on the brim in any position desired. Pin in place and sew with an o
rial, then pin the center of the strip over the edge wire, gather the raw edges to fit the headsize wire and sew in place. This method does not make a smooth brim, but is more quickly
for ha
wn is usually made in the shape of a circle about fourteen inches in diameter, with the same number of thicknesses as the brim. Gather one-quarter of an inch from the edge, adjust fullness and sew to the headsize wire. The height of the crown depends up