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Reading History

Chapter 5 The Secret Society

Word Count: 513    |    Released on: 21/04/2023

in the area. She stopped at a local diner for lunch and struck up a conversation with the waitress. The woman told

ry. It sounded like the same group of people she had encountered the previ

d. The people in the woods were obviously part of some kind of secret socie

s, following the path she had taken the night before. As she walked

They were wearing black robes and chanting in a language she didn't understand. In the center

new she was in over her head, but she couldn't tur

the shadows. As she got closer, she saw that they were holding a knife

t fast. She pulled out her camera and started snapping pictures o

ne of the members noticed her.

converging on her, their eyes full of anger and hatred. She felt h

They were too strong. She felt the blade of the knife

ng. She tried to get up, but her hands and feet were bound. Sh

tsteps approaching. The door creaked open,

," he said with a sinister smile. "I

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