img THE UNFAITHFUL MAN  /  Chapter 4 04 | 13.33%
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Chapter 4 04

Word Count: 1329    |    Released on: 10/05/2023

e care of you," my aunt suggests,

l take care of it, I answered he

clothes and went into the bathroom. I put a

ing the silence that had surround

brother aske

you don't come to see me when I have fights. That you're never there for my successes or my defeats. I feel like m

ing about what to say to me while

didn't know that my pr

shit about me, but I do! I need you. You're my pillar, you point me in the right dir


ept that a simple sorry isn't enough. I ne

e for me when I need it. But I, I'm never there. Never, he yells as if he blames himsel

xplain, finally realizing how he

sure," Jord

'm not asking you to change.

will, I

kie p

ky pr

, I took care of your boo-boo

Jordan, raisi

going to take

t I can scra

s disgusting," I replied,

the water falling from the showerhead onto my hair, sliding down my back and

rant, I go down to the kitchen to get a bowl of

o you. Hello the moon, this is the Eart

's asleep," J

f the TV. At noon, our uncle announces that the adults leave in town with Lucie to see an ex

t," I say with

ordan. But can I

u want," my

are coming,"

then, announces L

to put on my bathing suit and prepare quickly a bag of beach. When I get downstairs, Jordan's friends

reek, we discover a small beach made of pebbles.

zing," I shouted, m

y brother boasts, with th

it, yes,

clysm: my god what it is cold! I take some water and spray Jordan. He tries to wet me but I bend down just in time and he only succeeds in watering Jade who is behind me. She gets her revenge

here are jellyf

e believe you," l


close to the shore. Jordan, on the other hand, g

t stung me! It's killing me! I'm going t

ation," laughed Jule

jellyfish, everyone ran out of the water. Jordan sho

ey say you have to pee o

I don't do it

ing to turn in agreem

Jade with a fal

t to laugh. But I have to hold back. On the other hand, when my cousin announces us that he finished, I let go and they look at me strangely. Then Jade joins me soon followed by everyone.

u go to the cabin

ed by a walkway to my cousin's room. It's full of sp

mals, spiders, mosquitoes, bats and all kinds

er, I say to sup

you'll see it's nice as anything, proposes

, and we look at a film while waiting for the parents. As they are blocked on the road, w

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