asked, George's brows rose as he heard the
rs on her reading table. As he lifted her up t
close to her and smiled before whispering, "it will
hought and blushed b
tress. She was checking out a file when they got there
ied that, your projects won the best award of the s
ost at the final of the international competition, last two year, id
m here to find solution to a level 4 ques
were already scream
paper up and looke
her observation
the measurements on the paper is incorrect, for example, the breast line measurements of a curved lady is 8
as the headmistres
s shutting down. The eye of the headmistre
. The duo looked at each other before Beatrice replied,"si
o therefore, one of you must volunteer to represent the school, so which o
bish, put Beatrice name on the list, I will asssit her through out the competition, so its still both of us" she said and Beatrice's eye widen, "our cha
headmistress to c ok nfi
s smiled and gav
er, she supported me till the competition was over, we drew plans and did fabric shopping together and lot more, and I won. Many options kept showing up in my way, I started going from shows to shows alone just because I want to make a name for myself forgetting my friend who gave up a dream for me. When I finally made a name, I lost her. No contact, she just disappeared, I do regret this
e asked and the headmistress sm
will a blank expression, "she is my