img On The Art of Reading  /  Chapter 5 No.5 | 6.49%
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Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 373    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

s wearing late, and that we are yet far from the prey we first hunted on the line of com

ly, can be the light by which you or I may hope to read the Universal: that, and that only, deserves the name of 'What Is.' Nay, I can convin

r stateliest pictures ... anywhere make us feel that we intrude, that this is for better men; but rather is it true that in their grandest s

harmonious universe and the inward soul are granted to live among us certain men whose minds and souls throw out filaments more delicate than ours, vibrating to far messages which they bring home, to report them to us; and these men we call prophets, poets, masters

ears And water heav

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