ared a little bit. If not for anything but for the night we had spent together tangled together in each other's arms savoring the moment. I let the phone ring not wanting to pick the call from anybo
ay heat. Arielle smirked before driving off, I was wowed by the interior of her car and honestly I didn't even know what car is this but it was beautiful. "I called you today Natasha" she stated making me roll my eyes thankful for the coverage the sunglasses provided. "And even a few minutes back" she added. "Yeah and if you watched I missed it unconsciously" I replied before looking out of the window. "Why?". "Why?" I asked her back unable to understand if she was asking me why I had ignored her call or why I didn't checked the caller ID. "Yeah, why? There has to be a reason as to why you are ignoring people's call Tasha" she teased. Just then I knew exactly what she was talking about and was referring to, it was no doubt the fact that I was disposed from her fiance's company like trash. I wondered how she got to find out?. "What do you want?" I asked her looking away. I smiled immediately I looked out of the window, we were so close to my house and with the way she was going, I'd be home in a jiffy. "Look no need to continue beating around the bush, whatever shit happened between you and Liam last night should be in the past just as your job has become a thing of the past" she began as she pulled up in front of my house. "Just so you know my ears and eyes are everywhere and I'm fully aware of your mom's ailment or should I say condition?, Whatever!". "Stay away from my man and I would stay away from your business too" I scoffed in disbelief, could it be by any chance that I was actually called by her to be threatened. "Are you threatening me?" I asked her making her laugh. "Threatening you say, all I have to say for you is for you to stay the further away from Liam, the more you stay away from him, the safer you are, now get out". And that was what ended our conversation that evening (Three days later) It was three days since Arielle and I had that c