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Reading History


Word Count: 1140    |    Released on: 06/07/2023

will marry! If it saves your life. I will d

herself in her place. This provoked even greater anger in Guinevere now that G

r, you are betrothed!" This angered Guinevere even mo

ked at her, not understanding at all. "How? Who does he think he is to do that?

her tears and said, "

ouse in my absence?" her father

w. Shame on you," Guinevere said, looking mockingly

om to pack her things. The truth was, she couldn't live near him with so much lov

ring the room and sitting on the small sofa

, so he rejected me. But Dad, it

he lay a hand on you?" he growled. He would not accept h

" Gwendolyn said, giving a shy smile. She was willing to do anything to help her

t to do this, my chil

can forget him away from here," she re

the room. Gwendolyn finished tidying her room. She went downstairs; her father

. She said goodbye to him, entered the carriage, and set off

ry detail, from the tall, pointed towers to the vine-covered windows that gave the place a mysterious air. As she watched, the vast causeway moved slowly, lowering slowly to allow th

d noble figures. She was led to a waiting room just beyond the entrance gates, a spacious area lit by chandeliers ha

aving her alone. She walked over, observing everything with cu

" the man said with

g everything," she said, handing him the trembling paper. T

said, leading her down a corridor that stretched in several

ome out when you are called. Do we underst

high ceiling, richly adorned with golden frames and intricate frescoes, gave a sense of nobility. Gwen took a deep breath, confident that it wasn't w

ned, and a m

r. I will serve you," the gi

yn requested, smiling at the maid, w

mazed by the enormous bed in the center of the room, adorned with velvet curtains. Fine wooden furniture stood out, and an elab

aching the young woman, who looked at her

eplied. Gwen cautiously approached the gir

he young woman looked at her as if she had said something strange and returned to her work. After arranging

Gwendolyn alone again. She walked over to the window and looked out at the vast gardens. She sighed, knowin

o her past relationship, and tears streamed down her face. If only he had listened to her, she could have explained everything, but he



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