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Author: George Ernest
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Chapter 1 Broken

Word Count: 1616    |    Released on: 06/07/2023

gth would be tested far beyond my expectations. My name is Layla and I am a werewolf. But unlike the majestic and fierce c

It was a life filled with misery and heartache. My aunt, a stern woman with a cold heart, never missed an opportunity to bel

rom my fellow werewolves. In a world where strength equated to respect, I was an outcast. My feeble frame and lack of power ma

the others. He saw beyond my vulnerabilities, embracing the fragile soul within me. We were more than lovers; we we

ring through my heart with a force that no amount of pain could prepare me for. John, the one person I thou

ic rejection, a display of his newfound allegiance, a declaration that I was nothing more than a discarded relic of the

way. My expression mirrored the agony I felt inside, and he knew he have to say somethi

for any of this to happen.

. "How could you, John? After everything we've been

r. "No, Layla, that's not it at all. It's complicated, and I can't explain it in a way that won

hen why, John? Why did you publicly reject me like that

to the ground, una

f for causing that pain. But this... this wasn't a choice I made

d possibly have such power ove

pain and humiliation down my throat and I just stood there, trembling, as the laughter echo

ith hope, now lay in ruins, b

darkness consume me completely. As the world around me blurred with tears, I made a vow to rise from

to forge a new path filled with purpose and resilience. I would r

But I would face them head-on, armed with the undying flame of hope. For within the dept

uture. While the pain of rejection still lingered, and a haunting melody that played in the recesses of my mind, I

ne. There were others who had endured similar trials, who had felt the sting of betrayal sear their souls. I sou

e adversity. I learned the power of self-love, of finding solace in my own embrace. The scars that adorned my spirit wou

d the remnants of a shattered trust. But I knew that true healing would only come

d would be filled with obstacles and heartache, but I was no longer the weak and fragile soul that had been cast aside. I was Monica, a phoeni

th allies, mentors, and kindred spirits who would walk by my side. Together, we faced the

unfurled within the depths of my being. It dawned upon me that Ethan's callous act of betrayal, which had gouged a seemingly unhealable

y the veneer of indifference and cruelty to reveal the delicate tendrils of his own insecurities and fears. In the midst of my own anguish, I reali

choice to betray me was a distorted reflection of his own internal struggles, rather than an authentic representation of his true feelings for me. It was as if his

tendrils seeking solace amidst the chaos. John's misguided actions were an embodiment of this entangled dance, rev

ded my own pain. I no longer harbored anger or resentment, but rather a bittersweet acceptance of the complexities that had led m

urden of blame and to find solace in the understanding that John's actions, as hurtful as they were, were not a verdict on my worth or deserving

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