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Word Count: 789    |    Released on: 14/07/2023

ted teeth, his voice laced with defiance. "She's not wh

rstand perfectly," he countered, his words dripping with derision. "You're naïve, easily swayed by her char

father's word keeps getting into he's

rol you? No, my son, I'm only looking out for your best int

you'll see a brighter fu

gment, obscuring the truth that lay hidden beneath layers of deception. The walls we had pain

r his father's manipulations. I fought back, not with anger or bitterness, but with unwavering faith in the power of our connection. But the

stroy what we have painstakingly built and reclaim William as her own. I stood shoulder to shoulder, united against the s


apart the fragile bond that Bruno and I were building. Their actions were fuele

d you and don't need to talk long

now.," Sh

that girl. She doesn't deserve my son, you deserve him".

, she came into this family".

lation and lies. She spread malicious rumors, painting me as a villain and questioning my intentions. Sh

e attempted to lure him back into her grasp, using every trick in the book to convince him that our love was nothing but a flee

ur relationship as a challenge to his authority and a stain on his family's reputation. He employed a more insidious approach, subtly undermining William's confidence and instilling doubt in his heart. He belittled my worth, emphasi

dermine his belief in our love. With each interaction, he skillfully belittled my worth, highlighting my perceived weaknesses and flawlessly painting me as a mere opportunist, a cunning individual seeking to exploit William's esteemed position for personal gain. Every word utter

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