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Chapter 4 THE SKIN

Word Count: 1931    |    Released on: 07/07/2023

e about the skin! Here are some fascin

dy, accounting for about 16% of our total body weight. An avera

the epidermis, dermis, and subcutis (also known as the hypod

ective barrier. It consists of several layers of cells, including keratinocyt

tructures such as blood vessels, sweat glands, hair follicles, and nerv

kin, composed of adipose (fat) tissue and connective tissue. It ac

ytes in the epidermis. It gives color to the skin, hair, and eyes and helps p

cles, located in the dermis, produce hair strands, while the nails are ma

glands are the most numerous and secrete sweat to regulate body temperature, while apocrine glands

as those for touch, temperature, pain, and pressure. These rece

The process involves inflammation, formation of new tissue, and remodeling. Howeve

exposed to sunlight. Sunlight triggers a series of reactions in the skin that convert a prec

ansing, moisturizing, protection from sun exposure, and a balanced d

es body temperature, and provides us with various sensory experiences. Taking

few more interesting

eum, stratum lucidum (in some areas like palms and soles), stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, and basal (or stratum

o 30 days. New cells are continuously formed in the basal layer and p

oily substance called sebum. Sebum helps keep the skin moisturized and protects it from exte

s just beneath the epidermis and contains blood vessels and sensory nerve endings, and the reticular dermis, which lie

pear on the skin due to rapid stretching and growth of the underlying tis

nt melanin. Melanin comes in different shades, leading to variations in skin color among individu

skin's pH ranges between 4.5 and 5.5, which is slightly acidic. This acidity he

body from external factors like microorganisms, UV radiation, chemicals, and excessive wate

n production decreases, leading to the formation of wrinkles. Various factor

tion of specialized nerve fibers in the skin. It can be triggered by various factors,

protected from the sun's harmful rays. Each individual's skin is unique,

ew additional interesti

en the body gets too warm, sweat is produced by the sweat glands to cool the skin through evaporation

rity of cases being caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or ta

y factors like genetics, age, and lifestyle. Skin can be categorized as normal, oily, dr

wound healing begins. Blood clotting occurs to stop bleeding, and specialized cells called fibrob

certain ingredients, environmental factors, or skincare products. It's important to be min

ommon ones like acne, eczema, and psoriasis to more rare conditions like vitiligo or epidermolysis bul

the skin when exposed to sunlight. Additionally, topical application of certain vitami

f the body. For instance, the skin on the palms of the hands and soles of

and hair emerge. Despite common misconceptions, pores cannot be opened or closed, but th

ntact with their skin, such as certain metals, latex, or specific skincare ingredients. Allergic r

ur overall health and well-being. By understanding its characteristics and n

few more interesting

as the skin microbiome. These microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses, play a role i

ls. This allows us to discern different textures, temperatures, and levels of pressure, enabling

eflect our emotional states. Blushing, for example, occurs when blood vessels

tive tissue called a scar to repair the damaged area. Scars may appear different in color, texture

on an individual's mental health and well-being. Skin conditions may lead to feelings of self-consciousness, low self

tic expression through practices like body painting, tattoos, and henna designs. These

nmental factors. While genetics determine our baseline characteristics and how our skin ages naturally, lif

threats such as bacteria, viruses, pollutants, and allergens. It also helps retain moi

ial and ethnic identities. It's important to embrace and respect diversity, un

in helps regulate body temperature. When the body is too warm, sweat evaporates to dissipate heat. I

and serve us. Taking care of it through proper hygiene, a healthy lifestyle, and se

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