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Chapter 2 HUMAN BODY

Word Count: 1582    |    Released on: 07/07/2023

es as the physical vessel for a human being. It is made up of various systems, organ

onsists of sever

support, protects vital organs, and facilitates movement thr

ment, generating heat, and maintaining posture. It is composed

rt, blood vessels, and blood. Its primary function is to transport oxyg

exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and its

s from food, eliminating waste products. It includes the mouth, esophagu

ting and controlling bodily functions through electrical signals.

ons through the production and release of hormones. It includes glands su

ens, foreign substances, and abnormal cells. It comprises organs (such as t

arrier against pathogens, regulates body temperature, and helps prevent

alance, eliminates waste materials, and filters the bloo

n of offspring. In males, it includes the testes, penis, and associated structure

of cells, each with specialized functions, and these cells form tissues, which then combine to create organs, and ultimately, organ systems. The study of the

additional informatio

homeostasis. This involves regulating various factors such as body temperatur

c functions and are organized into tissues, which make up organs, and organs work together to form

on that determines an individual's characteristics. Genes are segments of DNA

occur in the body, including the breakdown of nutrients to release energ

functions. The primary energy source for the body is derive

endocrine glands. They regulate various bodily functions and

that enable us to perceive and interpret the world around us. The

m conception to adulthood. Aging is a gradual process characterized by physiological c

generally consistent, there are individual variations and differences among people, includ

s, and individuals seeking to maintain their health. The continuous exploration and study of the hum

ome additional facts

ents, hormones, and waste products. It comprises red blood cells, white blood cel

trical impulses and enable communication within the nervous system. These impulses allow

he human body. It is responsible for processing sensory information, coordinating motor movements, regul

and support movement. Bones are composed of living tissue, have the ability to

e barrier against physical, chemical, and microbial threats. It helps regulate body

ones that regulate numerous bodily processes such as growth, metabolism, reproduction,

acteria, viruses, and parasites. It includes an intricate network of cells, tiss

onmental factors and internal cellular processes. The body has sophisticated repai

ws the body to rest and recuperate. It plays a crucial role in

ffspring. In males, it involves the production of sperm, while in females, i

ntity and allows for the performance of various functions necessary for survival and overall health. Continual advancements in scientif

ew more interesting fac

d and stretched out, it would span about 10 billion miles,

s around 7 liters (about 1.85 gallons) of digestive juice

100,000 times a day, pumping about 2,000 gallons (7,571 l

-20 times per minute, which equates to about 1,200 times

190 liters) of blood daily, removing waste products and exces

e about 25,000 quarts (23,654 liters) of saliva, which aids in

here oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide during respiration,

ermis, is continuously renewing itself. On average, a person shed

aste buds, which are responsible for detecting flavo

gnals sent by neurons in the human body can reach

an body that make it a fascinating subject of study. The more we learn about our bodies, the be

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