img My Dear Teacher  /  Chapter 3 3 | 60.00%
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Reading History

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1417    |    Released on: 12/07/2023

ort, he always gave me, at most, a third of the grade. One third of the grade, do you know how much that represents? Almost nothing! And that kid never gave me more than a

get an equally good grade in lab all year and suggested that my mother help me and encourage

he outside I still looked disgusted) handed in another one of my perfect reports. As I put my pens away in the cas

whispered, from behind me, in his usual manic voice. Recovering from my f

. And second, I haven't given you the freedom to call m

lize that the laboratory was empty except for the two of us. I was more alert than I had been, ready to poke him in t

me much more than the freedom

ped him hard across the face. Caught not so much by surprise, since he must have been used to getting beaten by some of the more

angrier. "It'll be even more enjoyable when you come to recover after lunch. Alon

couldn't he just give me a fair grade? Just because I didn't want to give it to him? What the hell, is

ted tone I could manage, "I don't know, maybe this obsession of yours with schoolgir

iumphant smile on my face. He may be smelly and have nice eyes, but he

st grade classroom, all surrounded by students in tiny sho

as soon as he saw me, he grinned from ear to ear. Was it just m

ed, quickly coming down the stairs and getting rid of the brats with his l

teps and not fall, or to look at him and have an arrhythmia. "I was

said, twisting his mouth and clenching hi

asked, my heart pounding in my che

e more chances," Mr. Suan said with

nd without saying anything else, he just kept walking towards the crowded school exit. I watched his

l, Anne," she complained, stopping right in front of me a

o see him, but his car quickly sped off and disap

e asked, looking over her shoulder,

since I actually started looking for her, "I need to leave as soon as

r eyes, and I nodded, looking very surprised "Lillie, h

nks to that piece of shit to see what's wrong with me,

ence the grades of the other subjects, as absurd as that was. Let's face it, biology, whether theory or lab, was the same damn subject! In shor

as with you go away..." I heard Anne murmur, looki

d to have to admit it, "You know

ered, startled, as if no one in that school had ever picked u

e with that idiot," I replied, being very sincere " But

to Anne with a kiss on the cheek. As I walked to the

ou're going

ind of relationship with Cassano because of a note? I would never do such a thing, even if it meant getting an A+ in every subject wi

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