pe. Ronnie was not in sight, but she scarcely thought of him. The light was failing fast, and she knew that it would soon be quite dark, save for a white streak of moon
ut in the terror of the moment she felt no pain. She only had the sense to run straight on, with gasping breath and faili
d and made a convulsive effort to crawl to one side. Sh
e uttered a gasping cry, all her na
word to his animal, stooped over her. S
he sobbed. He answered he
the matter? Some
her, and she yielded herself
she said faintly.
eemed unable to stand, and waited for her to recover herself. She trembled v
ow you," she f
atter?" asked
session of her. Yet-yet-Hyde must have seen she was alarmed. He might have reassured her. She recalled the lo
very foolish of me, of course. Very likely it was
still so shaken that she to
she assured him tremulo
; and again she yielded as a child might
ke, and she fancied his v
," he said. "I will
f in the darkness, but sh
nnie," she said. "I don't want
in with you,"
mean-I don't want you to trouble any mor
n to wonder dolefully if she had offended him. The
the club, and won't be home at present. I didn't know you were all alone, or I
n the stony road. Hope made no further protest. She had always considered Ronnie's major a rather
ne five yards w
imping. Wh
something abo
d briefly. "Rupert will carry yo
he had been a child, and stooped to arra
her shoe. "No wonder the stones seemed hard! Quite c
she answe
on, leading the
ound that surrounded the bungalow she
l here," he said, holdi
into them
he native village made her start and t
e-post and took her hand in his. The grip of
"let us go and look fo
nd that for the sake of her future self-respect she must by some means restra
nt you-please-not to come any farther. I know I have been very foolish. I am sure
," said Ma
kable decision, and t
nnecessarily alarmed. But, even so, I am coming with you to satisfy my
go, I'll come, too. But first, will you pro
at a loss to interpret. It was too dark fo
e said. "Yes;
his, she went beside him up the short drive to the bungalow. And, as she