img I'm Yours' Alone  /  Chapter 1 Chance Encounter | 7.14%
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I'm Yours' Alone

I'm Yours' Alone

Author: Kulas
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Chapter 1 Chance Encounter

Word Count: 722    |    Released on: 18/08/2023

urried along sidewalks, lost in their own worlds, while the rhythm of life carried on. Among them was Ryan Gold, a ma

e attention that followed him wherever he went, but today was different. His thoughts were elsewh

uildings. The soft glow of lights spilled out onto the sidewalk, showcasing colorful canvas

ing him. His eyes roamed over the vibrant artworks that adorned the walls. Each p

is eyes fe

hstrokes to her canvas. The strokes were deliberate, the colors blending and merging in a dance of artistry.

was a raw passion in the way she worked, an intensity that resonated with something deep wit

und himself taking a step closer, his curiosity piqued by the energy that surrounded her.

. The gallery owner, a portly man with a twinkle in his eye, approach

d nodded, his words failing him momen

s. "That's Angel White. She's been with us for a fe

h light and darkness, creating something beautiful out of the contrasts. He t

s. Their gazes locked, a jolt of something unexplainable passing between them.

onnection he felt with this stranger. Angel's lips curved in respon

ide Ryan. "Seems like you've c

cheeks coloring slightly. "I.

layful. "Of course you are. Well, if you're intereste

er before he tore himself away. He nodded t

er eyes lingering in his mind. Little did he know that this chance encounter would be the beginning of a jo

t, Ryan Gold couldn't shake the feeling that his li

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