img WHEN I SEE YOU  /  Chapter 1 ANNOYING ERIC | 1.61%
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Word Count: 1714    |    Released on: 20/08/2023



d is late for people in the next ne

you talk to your son

e Eric, what did you

to keep bad friends but you kno

ust call m

I jus

? We moved in here about three months again because of d

eah I know he is my senior brother but why does he have the right to d

d, I can be friends with whoever I wa

ld" he said with that st

ying to make friends around here then I will mak

other is just lo

from me, by making me look like a little prin

fore heading upstairs. I was trying to control myself, I hate tha

dinner, I made your favorit


ou have to sa

r you that is what makes him your big brothe

cheeks like she will

iends, no one wants to talk to me because my bro

m now go upstairs and go was

t. Mum we changed our location, am trying not to feel that I

all your friends are, hom

o like family, so when they are not around it just woul

re you g

hat dad's work has to m

ng again, I thought y

t what differen

lot of diffe


my homework on maths. I really don't like my maths te


ngry. I know that having to move is really affecting h

say no. I wonder if Eric is being too hars

down for dinner. Eric was busy with his video game wh

u before you notice my presence?" I asked Eric who didn'

m is dinn

s and wait I will

. He has always been a happy child, always smiling or m

er business, she loves her privacy like hell. She doesn't hide he

e to, I will g


meeting and won't b


her sleep. She took over her father in a lot of ways but her

have something to eat" I whispered in

more" she said and

le and you can co

n't w

ght now I will have you

and matched out of her roo

y s

am still very much angry at you" Brianna sai

id and sighed in frustration, I wonder why she is always no

!!!, a

rianna who was still giving Eric a deadly star


ughter exchange their greetings, sometimes I

here we go, the daddy's girl has finally t

for her, right mum?" Eric said

n it happened" I told him and walked up

y lips, I smiled at him before dragging him upstair


yself I won't let Eric spoil them for me. I went downstairs

s to have a car. I mean which parents gives their son

is very annoying. As the school bus drive into the compound I saw the group of

I walked up to school entrance and stood by the side wit

talking to me I decided to pretend I didn't hear anythi

ink you are?" The one with the name Beck

you can't pass with me standing here tha

, don't you know

mouth of yours" we started drawing attention to our

st call me stupid

" I heard Eric's voice behind me, oh

nly she hit me I would have shown her how beautiful it is t

u harassing

l no I will never do such a th

ittle like am some small ch

s with someone like you, you are just a two faced bitch" wit

d touching my hair but I push his ha

o annoying and seeing the way that Becky girl was

any friends he wants whether Male or female my parents doesn't complain but mean whil

Eric doesn't have any female friends, what did mum

for you just as much as you are doing f

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