img The Amulet  /  Chapter 8 SIMON TURCHI TRIES TO CONCEAL HIS CRIME. | 61.54%
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Reading History


Word Count: 4628    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

residence, Simon Turchi went to his ow

entered his office, pretended to be looking for some papers, went up stairs again, paced the room, opened the windo

e I am here on burning coals, almost overpowered by anxiety and terror! Julio, Julio, i

ughly discouraged, he threw himself upon a chair, heaved a heavy

rder? Who put the Jewish banker on his track, so that the constables might be led to my garden? Who suggested the idea to the bailiff to search the cellars? Was it chance? But chance is blind, and does not proceed with suc

his head upon his breast; his hands worked convulsive

t; he heard the shouts of the populace calling down the vengeance of heaven upon his guilty head and devoting his name to eternal infamy;

owly a small phial half filled with a yellow liquid, and

which there is no awakening. And is this my only refuge from the ignominy of the scaffold? Instead of wealth and

to his dark reflections; but at last he conquered, in a measure, h

e. I would in that case become rich and powerful; her dowry would be sufficient to save me from poverty and a humiliating discovery. Alas! why do the people accuse the magistrates of want of zeal? Things more surprising than the disappearance of Geronimo have happened lately without any disturbance among the populace

i, and he buried his head in his hands. Suddenly he started up, and alt

edges his honor to discover one. Let him find it! Suppose he should find it elsewhere than in my summer-house? in a sewer, for example? Ah! anxiety had clouded my

he approached the wi

ation of my honor and my life; since the death of Geronimo he hates and despises me. I must appear angry and indignant, f

ucceeded in this, he made signs of his impatience and anger until Julio reached the door.

with folded arms and menacing countenance, a sl

after Change? Look well to yourself, or I will avenge myself by

ss anger? It is not long since Change. It is no

ern to tavern, gambling, as you h

hat your anger makes no impression on me. Make haste and tell me what you want me to do. We lose precious time in this nonsensical sort of talk. I left some friends to come and receive

useless it was to give expression to his feelings, he suddenly changed his manner. Tears fil

in impatience. It is too early yet for you to do what I

is master's humble language

ny danger?"

s hand, and sa

robability, we will be cast, manacled, into

r, signor, which inspir

, tre

on the spot where my garden lies. The police agents are to proceed at daybreak to the Hospital meadows, and as they cannot fail to remark that the earth has been newly turned up, they will certainly discover what they seek. You pushed Geronimo into the ar

arn all that?" asked


his ow

e and coolness, I think I may say that you have no stronger

to his throat and

nd my neck. It is all your fault, signor. Why did you murder your best f

nce is satisfied, and now neither complaints nor recrimi

t can we do to es

eans; but, Julio, it requires good will and resol

ing to do in order to escap

ld you that the bailiff

rpse in my house,


er place, far from this spot, who

joyfully. "We must carry the dead body

er place. A better plan is to throw it into the sewer in the Vleminck Field. The officers

value on my life, and yet the thought of a certain death shatters my nerves. Now I am my

Turchi; "it was because I needed your aid to execute a project which will save us both.

ant, in a tone which p

since you are

traverse three or four streets.' Signor Geronimo is heavier than you suppose, a

vant's two hands in his,

. Reflect that it is our only means of safety; it is as much for your interest a

to rest on the way, and that will take more time than will be prudent. And then how shall I be able ea

know well that we can con

submit to anything. Suppose

ddering, "I carry a dead

, no; better a du

bered that you were a nobleman, we would not thus be seeking, in mortal anguish, the means to save our lives. Consider

eemed preoccupied by torturing thought

necessity demands it. Julio, go to the summer-house

ronically, "will you

to do whatever you order him; threaten to stab him a

He would inform upon us. I might as well put the

in his design, paced the floor impatiently. Suddenly he stopped befo

ver may be the means, we must not deliberate in presence of the death which menac

d not defend himself? that he would not give the alarm? In that case, your servant would be

Turchi tossed his arms convulsi

ut to boast and drink and gamble in the taverns? Would that I had never seen you! Leave the corpse in the cella

air, and while uttering bitter invectives against his

s desolation seemed to m

m compassionately, an

he courage and resolution to carry him through a difficult enterprise. Since you think I am able to take the corp

tatingly execute what he had undertaken, and he comprehended by his manner

ed, I will reward you magnificently. Go now to the country-house, disinter the body, and carry it up to the ground-floor. This will gi

on his ear; he suddenly struck his forehead with his f

tter?" asked Tu

I am!" excl

said Simon. "Wh

weather, and the moon is full! How could I carry a dead body to the sew

o despair like this last obstacle; for he well knew that either by threats or promises of reward he could overcome Julio's resistance; but what could prevent the moon from shi

that a mysterious power opposed all his plans; perhaps God

sented themselves. Might they not bury the body in a retired spot of the garden, plunge it in the basin of the fountain, or conceal it u

to occur to him, for his face

the country; it is your

try!" said Julio;

'Where my body is, there is all I have and all I care for.' I mu

stonished b

ins. It is too late for me to leave for England; there are no vessels ready to sail. What cou

ermany," said Turchi. "I will g

ction, made Julio suspect some deception. He was unable at first to imagine his secret design

charged with a double crime, finds no resting-spot upon earth, you will enjoy here in entire security, in the midst of

be arrested to-morrow, and the truth known, would you not be equal

neither conceived the crime, n

erve. I will state my conditions; if you refuse them, then all is at an end between us. Each of us is at liberty to save himself even at the sacrifice of

master with an expression

ny detention on the way, I will give you a letter to Signor Mazzuchelli, a banker at Cologne. If on the journey you are asked why you have undertaken it, say that you are on urgent business for your master, and if necessity require it, show the letter; but once in Cologne, do

owns are spent, what will be

u enough to keep you from want. But you must change your name and simply notify me that you need money to c

eeth. Although the promise of two hundred crowns was sed

ng the gallows, and you hesitate! Moreover, I secure you a life of ease, ind

to have come

two hundred crow

red crown

my dep


e. I am in a hu

em," said Turchi,

his hands. But he had not long for reflectio

ands. He went to the table and cou

ached the table. Joy sparkled in his eyes, and whilst he contemplate

her I might not avoid accusing you of the murder of Geronimo, and my friendship for you suggested a means. Now that I am sure of being able, under any circumstances, of exculpating myself, it is n

eased, signor," sai

o the country-house, level, as far as possible, the earth in the cellar, throw sand

, that would

sake, Julio, not mine; for suppose the officers of the law should search my summer-house, those precautions would divert their attentions from the cellar, while otherwise they would infallibly discover that the earth had been recently dug. Perhaps, through respect for me, the bailiff may exempt my lands from search. In either case I will wait until


rget your

o? It is easil

ad nearly forgotten the letter of recommendation. Wait here a

d coins, and drew out a handful for the pleasure of contemplating them;

o has been buried for five days, and his corpse is still above ground. To fill up the grave is not much. Suppose I let that alone, and leave this e

o Castagno. Forget your other names, and be prudent, remembering that the least indiscretion might cost

clothes, signor, or

with any baggage, your intention might be suspected.

hand to his master, and

se to aid me when I am in want, I

ar carefully, Julio. I wi

taircase and walked s

indow and watched him u

a mountain had been removed from his heart. A smile lig

. Ah! I thought I was lost. Now I must arrange my plans as though I were certain of the discovery of the body. I feel new strength; hope and certain

excitement he cl

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