img The Amulet  /  Chapter 10 SIMON TURCHI'S ALARM-CRIME BEGETS CRIME. | 76.92%
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Word Count: 4439    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

d was apparently preparing to go out again, for he had changed his dou

of triumph. Julio had left for Germany! Nothing could have prevented his departure, for he had not been seen in the city. Simon Turchi has therefore no caus

se of necessity. He had exhibited great anxiety at Julio's absence the night before and during that day. He said that he

drink and awaiting the night to return home. To this Turchi answered that he had remarked for some time Julio's strange manner, t

d that there was no evidence of his having been there, except two empty bottles upon a table. Simo

assist at the search of his garden, should the bailiff refuse to exempt it. He determined to go to the cellar at nightfall, when the search must be interrupted, to examine the arrangements made by Julio. When therefore twilight was commencing

ort distance, when h


o be accidentally brought into the bailiff's company, as he

utation, Messire V

t you. I was on my

Turchi. "Have you

ssitates a conversation with you. I would have spoken to you on this subject this eve

stammered Turchi, wit

going, signor?"

order to seek some diversion to the grief I feel f

with your walk. I will accompany you a part of

ned and walked

re himself that they we


ssion becomes painful, and I must claim in advance your forbearance. You know that my agents are searching every house, building, and garden in th

sign, and although his heart beat painfully, he ma

uld be searched in like manner? It is very natural. No one

east twenty of my agents in that quarter attracted the curious. A crowd followed those engaged in the search, and when it was noticed that your summer-house was the only one exempted, the magistrates were openly accused of injustice. The people were to

ds myself," interrupted Simon Turchi. "I desire you to search my

eased speaking, as in so frequented a place they were

city of the populace. One might be tempted to suppose that they considered me ca

t made him by the bailiff, and in consequence had taken suitable measures to screen himself in case of discovery; but now a terrible doubt as to the result of the search, and

far degrade himself as to become a secret assassin! I will know who my insolent calumniators are, and I will t

ken if you think the perquisition ordered by the burgomaster and constables be, in your regard, aught but a condescen

to search my garden. I am irritated solely by the insolence of the people. Do your duty, and contin

Signor Turchi, to have the officers

erfectly indif

uld regret causing you any

eflected a mom

affairs demand my attent

we say tw

between tw

t; it implies no suspicion, but, as I said before, it is a simple condescension to the pop

Would that I could offer the least consolation to the afflicted young girl! But of what use is it

oonhoven presse

the same time an obstacle to the accomplishment of the dearest wish of your heart. Through affection for him you have sacrificed your fondest hopes of happiness. But the inexplicable disappearance of Geronimo sp

ield all the happiness the future might have in store for

really dead, you may one day receive the reward of your sincere friendship and yo

protect yo

ness. He drew his cloak closely around him, and walked rapidly down a side street, which soon brought him before

o a room, which, in better times, he was accustomed to use as a

thoughts. He drew a phial from his doublet, and fixed his eyes upon it. By degrees, however, t

ower, and the hand of Mary Van de Werve, against my life and the honor of my family! Triumph and happiness on the one hand; disgrace and death on the scaffold on the other! Suppose I go to the bailiff, and accuse Julio of the murder? That would put me above suspicion. But no; the search will be superficial, mere matter of form for the sake of appearances. If Julio as arranged things properly, they will merely

and drank it. Lighted by the lamp, he descended the staircase and approached the cella

dead could arise from the grave to take revenge. What! I had the courage to stab him while living, and y

ain slowly approached the entrance to the cellar. He hesitated an instant, as he looked down the lon

t mistaken? Some one unl

here? Am

he fled from the cellar to his roo

e! They are within! They come!

hold of the room in which S

lio!" exclaimed

s lips indicated a disagreeable surprise at the presence of his master, it also said plainly that he feared not Simon's an

on Turchi sprang to his feet, clench

lf bring you here for the destruction of both of us? Speak, base drunkard, and tell me w

cabbard and stammered, in a voi

ortunate for one of us to die here-the executioner would have less work. But which of us must first

ety and yours compel me to a painful circumspection; but beware

wine. This morning, when I awoke, I was seated before a table at the Silver Dice. How I came there, I cannot tell. It was then too late

yed at dice?

rattling of the dice s

y? the two hu

business is it of yours that I have spent or lost a few pieces

i was like

you meet on the way you will drown your sens

rrow morning at daybreak, and if I drink on the

cret thought. He became calm, and shrugging his shoulders, said quietly, as tho

laced us both in the hands of justice. Fortunately the visit will not be made before noon to-morrow. As your negligence has had no evil conseque

t early dawn I will be beyond the city gate. In the first village I will buy a ho

ing his arms above

e no other directions to give, permit me, signor,

rely upon

my journey; the rising


ou cer

hangs over my head, and over yours

ively contract his lips, but he restrained a

u like a glass o

ng that a cup of Malmsey would relieve my parched thr

glass-a part

elcome; but the excellent wine locked in the cupbo

nd we will drink to the happy

the upper story. The servant followed him stagg

m, Turchi drew a second ch

opened. If I did not fear its effects, we

nd held the bottl

ns about four glasses. You need not

from the cupboard, placed them on the

io," he said, "and may you arri

one draught, but the servant push

oling balm to my burning throat. O

the glasses a

n that you wait awhil

e him a third glass, Julio resisted th

e was a malicious sparkle in his eye, and a smile of triumph on his lips. He evid

s about to take the wine, but b

f impatience he raise

th. Get another bottle, Julio, from the cupboard; it is perhaps the last time t

lty from his chair, and

He hastily poured nearly the whole contents into Julio's glass, and immediatel

io-to the left; that

master, who uncorked it; but as he w

is is a different wine, and

t no sooner had he swall

ad a strange, bitter taste.

dea!" said Turc

ble of such a

te, Julio. Take another gl

glass again

I never tasted anything in

ant narrowly. With assu

r; but be careful not to remain there. Merchants from Antwerp frequently visit that city; you might possibly be recognized and arrested. You must leave the territories of the emperor. When the affair is forgotten, and when by my marriage with Miss Van de Werve I will have acqu

leep," stammered Julio

le flitted acros

f will permit no search which intimates a suspicion. Since you have filled the cellar with fire-wood and empty casks,

distinct words, showing that he was not in a deep sleep. Without once removing his eye from h

ad been struck by death; but the heaving of the chest and the

ith a smile of satisfaction. Then he arose, approac

Julio, w

did no

ensible; he reposes in an eternal sleep. Life will be extinguished by degrees until sleep makes

et, and found in it one

them on the tab

He has either lost them at the gaming-table, or

found in a purse under his girdle the twenty

ughing; "I had not all;

himself that no more remained on the person of Julio, he was about to tr

or perhaps ten. I will leave six crowns and all the small change. And the keys? He must keep them, or, of course, he could not have entered without my knowledge. But should he be roused to consciousness by the death-agony, he might have sufficient strength to get out. I will leave him all the ke

ged the chairs, and wiped up the wine which

aged, he mutte

nd find him alive, and a powerful antidote might perhaps rouse him from sleep. To-morrow, then-to-morrow morning. But how shall I explain

topped for a moment to contemplate his victim and precipitately descended the staircase. At the foot of t

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