img The Challenge of the North  /  Chapter 7 No.7 | 28.00%
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Reading History

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 638    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

, and Wentworth had proved a very luke-warm cavalier. She had started out to be extremely vivacious so all might see that the absence of Hedin wa

ventured a word, she parted from Wentworth at the gate and rushed to her room. She was

railway station, where he purchased his ticket and arranged with a truckman to call f

overcoat, and sat down to smoke a cigarette as he went over, step by step, his hastily conceived plan. When the hands of

point opposite the Campbell residence, he stepped behind a huge ma

ees as a lone pedestrian passed along the opposite sidewalk. Faintly to his ears came the sound of laughter, and then there was

called his hostess. "We waited

ng away in the morning-thousand-and-one things to at

n sable, and reentered the gentlemen's dressing room, where it was but the work of a moment to conceal the garment within the fol

ation by someone's discovery that it lacked but five minutes to eight.

it." He turned to Elsie Campbell. "I hope you will pardon me if I hurry away but really, that pocketbook contains a rather large sum-expense money you kn

deposited the sable coat, replaced the tray, locked and strapped the trunk, and finished just in time to respond to the knock of the tru

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