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Reading History

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1200    |    Released on: 19/09/2023

ot much different from Jakarta. The tightening of regulations that each region proposes is a compliance for so

going. The government should immediately act more decisively. Although there are always negative and positive impacts. B

carefully or approach one of the work

different from the household bills every month. In 2020, many have asked for prayers to get better. Having progress for every

ng smiled. Ardika snorted. His daughter was


em," she

lend of herself and her past. Even though Ardika's prin

?" Ardika lowered her voic

e rearview mirror. His finger rubs his narrow chin - oh my.

s bore

ika's heart. No blood

uld be nice. Papa on the right, mama on the

whose eyes blinked innocently was of course Naomi. Watching the back and forth between the two adults in f

ed!" she

. Everything happens with a one-shot recording o

e you

changed. Naomi's excitement was a sign that the

ng at her daughter. And the 'okay' answer again hit him in t


name as the owner but was deterred by a coded wink. Dinner at the lesehan was the c

papa." S

stood, Ardika took over his daughter's plate. Bringing his body to si

It was guaranteed that after this, her daughter would pass out from hunger. "Slow down!" exclaimed Ar

ooo eyen

mouth is cool, right?" Yes, you are cool, son. Papa's the one


nning out of place. But is it okay to fantasize for once? If hoping i

was no child when the divorce occurred. There is nothing Pulung can bring other t

on Ardika was having with her daughter. This was a family-style dinner - according to other pe

ep with Pulung's aunt.

ly in his heart. Where did

ou li

ngetttt," s

a was staring at was Pulung.

ulung. How ridiculous is that? It sounded like Ardik

still Naomi

ka was furious but also affectionat

e it,

it, you can l


s eyes

s. You heard it y

he chest of his papa who was anointing the chili

. He was afraid that what was discussed yeste

. Playing cellphone at home is also not good. Watching TV must also be s

. Understand where t

or the nominal that you submit. And in the studio, of course there is a payment agreement that is in accordance

ugh people always think: 'it's good. All you do is give orders and correct moveme

hat what you see may not necessarily be good and vice versa. So grat

Pulung felt his words were spot on. "Life keeps spinning. Like a wheel, life never stops. It k

ll the food on

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